Troubleshooting Conga Batch Troubleshooting help for Conga Batch. Select one of the following topics for more information: "There was an Issue Processing the Composer request"Conga Batch Troubleshooting TipsViewing Errors in Conga Batch and Conga TriggerTest New Conga Batch Solutions on Release 8Test Using the Conga Batch RecordTest Using a Conga Batch List View ButtonConga Batch Missing Download Button (Release 7)Email delivery failed: REQUIRED FIELD MISSING Missing body, need at least one of html or plaintextConga Batch file size limitsCreate a Conga Batch List View Button (Lightning Experience)Index outside bounds of arraysProblem: Please contact us at 1 (303)-465-1616 for subscription details (Release 7)Refreshing your Salesforce refresh token for Conga BatchScheduled Conga Batch Failed to RunTroubleshooting Conga Batch using Hyperlink Formula Fields