Specifies the type of routing order set up for recipients.

Category: Conga Sign

Compatible with: Composer 8

Parameter Name: CSRoutingType

Parameter Value: [PARALLEL OR SERIAL]

Parameter Requirements: None

Parameter Description: CSRoutingType specifies the type of routing order set up for recipients. The routing order is in the order of recipients specified, for example, CSRecipient1, CSRecipient2, and so on.

PARALLELAll recipients are routed at the same level. (default)
SERIALControls the routing order of recipients.


&CSRoutingType=PARALLEL or &CSRoutingType=SERIAL

If you want CC role(s) to receive emails at the beginning and end of the transaction, place them at the beginning of the recipients list. If you want CC role(s) to receive an email only after a document has been signed, place them at the end of the recipients list. For more information, see CSRole[1-10].