In these release notes, you can find packages, requirements, features, enhancements, fixed issues, and known issues for the Composer 202407.1.0 release. For documentation updates, see What's New in Composer Documentation.

This documentation may describe optional features for which you have not purchased a license; therefore your solution or implementation may differ from what is described here. Contact your customer success manager (CSM) or account executive (AE) to discuss your specific features and licensing.

To access the learning path, including overviews and demonstrations of this release’s updated features and enhancements, visit the Conga Learning Center.

System Requirements and Supported Platforms

For requirements and recommendations to consider before installing the Conga product suite, see the System Requirements and Supported Platforms Matrix.

New Features and Enhancements

The following features are new to Conga Composer in this release.

Filenames with Special Characters Encountering Exception

Migrating files from old production instances to new systems encounter an exception error when supported special characters are included in the file name.

Link & Tracking Migration Returning Properly

Link & Tracking data migration is reacting properly and migrating the correct Link ID.

Composer API Function in Workflow

Conga Composer API fully optimized for Conga Platform integration.

Salesforce API Version 60 Support

Conga Composer, Trigger, and Batch now support Salesforce API Version 60. For more information, see Support of Salesforce API Version with Composer.

Batch Working in Any Environment

Conga Batch will function as expected in any Conga Platform Environment.

Fixed Issues

There are no fixed issues in this release.

Known Issues

The following unresolved issues are known to Conga at the time of this release.

Conga Internal IDDescription

Duplicate entries in Composer usage report.


ReturnPath parameter fails to redirect as expected.


Conga Batch fails to trigger the MFTS0 parameter correctly.


AbsoluteReturnPath fails to return to the expected URL determined in the established parameter.


Conga Batch using SendGrid API encounters an error: "Failed to send the email via SendGrid API"

DOC ID: CMPRLP202407.1.0RN20240718