Conga Query Manager supercharges your ability to gather Salesforce data by using SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language) SELECT statements. Furthermore, Conga Composer extends SOQL's flexibility and power through the use of pv values. Conga Queries allow you to take your Conga Composer solutions to new heights.

What Are Conga Queries?

Conga Queries are Salesforce records that contain a SOQL statement specifically tuned to work in conjunction with Conga Composer.

SOQL allows Composer to access your Salesforce data and merge it into your documents. Composer can access fields on your master object as well as records on parent records and related lists.

Are Conga Queries Difficult to Write?

Crafting SOQL statements can be difficult depending on the complexity of your solution; however, in most cases, you can use the Conga Query Builder to create queries using a point and click interface that is as simple as building a Salesforce Report.

(Legacy Functionality) Why Not Use Salesforce Reports?

In older versions of Conga Composer, solutions were built with Salesforce Reports instead of Conga Queries.

Going forward, Conga recommends that all solutions use Conga Queries, as they have several advantages over Salesforce Reports:

  • Queries are slightly faster and more reliable than Salesforce Reports.
  • Queries can access objects that cannot be displayed in Salesforce Reports (Notes, Approval History).
  • Queries reduce clutter on the Reports Tab.
  • Queries have tighter security and visibility controls than Salesforce Reports.

Due to the almost unlimited customizability of SOQL statements, Technical Support Team will only support SOQL queries generated through Conga Query Builder or written by following one of our support articles. The technical support team does not support custom-written queries.