Download page FILE is the related List or in Attachments and you need an IMAGE.
FILE is the related List or in Attachments and you need an IMAGE
When FILE is the related List or there is a file in Attachments and you need to grab an IMAGE. The image must be in the document, not an attachment.
Navigate to Salesforce Setup → Salesforce Files → Fields to create a custom field on the Salesforce File Object.
Create a new formula text field and name the field. For this example, the field name is File Image URL.
Enter the following URL:LEFT( $Api.Enterprise_Server_URL_100, FIND( ".com", $Api.Enterprise_Server_URL_100 ) + 4)& "sfc/servlet.shepherd/version/download/" & Id
Create a Conga Query with this syntax:SELECT ContentDocument.LatestPublishedVersion.Image_URL_Formula__c FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId = '{pv0}' AND ContentDocument.FileType IN ('PNG','JPG','JPEG')
If you want to filter with the title instead of the file type, then use this field:ContentDocument.Latestpublishedversion.Title
In the button URL, add the Query:&QueryID=[FileImages]IDofQuery
In the template, the following should appear:{{TableStart:FileImages}}{{IMAGE:LATESTPUBLISHEDVERSION_FILE_IMAGE_URL}}{{TableEnd:FileImages}}