The number formatting picture switch begins with \#, followed by any combination of the following parameters. Please see the examples following this table. When Conga Composer populates a numeric value, the digit grouping symbol (the thousands separator) is defined according to your Locale settings (as defined in Salesforce’s Setup → Personal Information) or according to the Culture or CurrencyCulture Conga Composer parameters.

Despite the cultural settings that govern the output from Conga Composer, within an appearance parameter, you must use a comma (",") for the digit grouping symbol (for thousands) and a period (".") as the decimal symbol. You cannot swap the comma and period (American style) with a picture switch. If your goal is international currency behavior, please see Dynamic Currency Formats in Word.

0 (zero)Specifies the requisite numeric places to display in the result. If the result does not include a digit in that place, Word displays a 0 (zero).

{{Points \# 00.00}}
appears as 09.00.

#Specifies the requisite numeric places to display in the result. If the result does not include a digit in that place, nothing appears in that place.

{{Cost \# $### }}
appears as $15.

You can format phone number as well using this merge field {{merge_field \# ###-###-####}}

, (digit grouping symbol)

Separates a series of three digits.

The digit grouping symbol is always entered as a comma into the formatting code, regardless of the country’s cultural preference. Conga Composer will format the output according to the cultural preference.

{{= NetProfit \# $#,###,###}} appears as $2,456,800.

%, $, *, and so onIncludes the specified character in the result.

{{= NetProfit \# "##%"}}
appears as 33%.

[positive value];[negative value]Specifies different number formats for results with positive or negative values.

{{Sales95 \# "$#,##0.00;-$#,##0.00"}}
Positive values appear as $1,245.65. Negative values appear as -$1,245.65.

Negative numbers {{Widgets \# "0#,##0.00;-0#,##0.00"}}

CurrencyFormats the value according to the Salesforce Locale, including a currency symbol, digit grouping symbol, and two decimal places


Positive values appear as $1,245.65. Negative values appear as ($1,245.65).


Also available:

Currency1, 2, 3, 4

Formats the value according to the Salesforce Locale, including a currency symbol, digit grouping symbol, and zero decimal places (or 1 decimal place, 2 decimal places, 3, or 4 if using Currency1, Currency2, Currency3, etc.) Currency decimal only works up to 4***


NumberFormats the value according to the Salesforce Locale, excluding a currency symbol, but including a digit grouping symbol, and two decimal places.


Number0, 1, 2, 3, 4Formats the value according to the Salesforce Locale, including a digit grouping symbol, but excluding two decimal places and a currency symbol. (or with 1 decimal place, 2, 3 or 4)


Can also be used with SUM fields.

PercentFormats the value according to the Salesforce Locale, by multiplying the value by 100 and including a digit grouping symbol, two decimal places, and a percent sign.


Cannot be used with SUM fields.


Here are some common examples of the number appearance parameter. Assume that the field we are formatting is OPPORTUNITY_AMOUNT and that it contains 5280.25 and the Salesforce Locale is “English (United States)”.

{{OPPORTUNITY_AMOUNT \# #,##0}}5,280
{{OPPORTUNITY_AMOUNT \# $#,##0}}$5,280
{{OPPORTUNITY_AMOUNT \# $#,##0.00}}$5,280.25
{{OPPORTUNITY_AMOUNT \# Currency}}$5,280.25

Now assume we are formatting the same field value as above, however, the Salesforce Locale is “German (Germany)”.

{{OPPORTUNITY_AMOUNT \# #,##0}}5.280
{{OPPORTUNITY_AMOUNT \# “#,##0 €”}}

The formatting code is enclosed in quotes because it contains spaces.
5.280 €
{{OPPORTUNITY_AMOUNT \# #,##0.00}}5.280,25
{{OPPORTUNITY_AMOUNT \# Currency}}5.280,25 €