Instead of using a Conga Batch record or a list view button, Conga Batch can also be launched from a custom button on a standard or custom object’s page layout.

To launch Conga Batch from a custom button, create a new button on your desired object that starts with the following URL:

  • For Salesforce Classic:{!$Api.Session_ID} &serverUrl={!$Api.Partner_Server_URL_160}
  • For Salesforce Lightning:{!$Api.Partner_Server_URL_330}

Next, reference your Salesforce Report or SOQL query that defines the scope of records to include in a batch process with Conga Batch. Use only ONE of the following parameters:

  • Option One: &ReportId=00Oxxxxxxxxxxxx?pv0={ParameterToPass}
  • Option Two: &QueryId=a0xxxxxxxxxxxxx?pv0={ParameterToPass}

Where {ParameterToPass} is a merge field that will pass a value to your Report or Query. For example, if a Conga Batch button is on an Account and the Salesforce Report is configured to show all Cases for a given Account, you would pass the {!Account.Id}.

Finally, reference the formula field that contains the Conga Batch URL: &URLFieldName=Conductor_URL_Field__c​

​A complete example of a Conga Batch button is below:

  • For Salesforce Classic:
  • For Salesforce Lightning: