How to merge Google maps into a Word template.

Google Map integration is beyond the scope of Conga Support and may require Conga Professional Services.

To merge a Google Map into a Word template:

  1. Create a formula field with a Return Type of text. For example:

    IMAGE("" + SUBSTITUTE(BillingStreet, " ", "+") + "," + SUBSTITUTE(BillingCity, " ", "+") + "," + BillingState + " " + BillingPostalCode + "&zoom=17&size=400x200 &maptype=road&markers=color:green|" + SUBSTITUTE(BillingStreet, " ", "+") + "," + SUBSTITUTE(BillingCity, " ", "+") + "," + BillingState + " " + BillingPostalCode + "&sensor=false", "No map available", 200, 400)

    The zoom, size, color, and whether you want a satellite or roadmap is customizable. The address fields in the formula. The Google Map API will need to be generated directly from Google and is placed in the API section.

    Conga Support does not support advanced Salesforce Formula Fields, please contact Salesforce for further configuration.
  2. Use {{HTML:FieldName}} as the merge field, in which Field_Name references the formula field created above.