How to merge an image from Salesforce Files into Microsoft.

You can merge images from Salesforce Files in Conga Composer.

We highly recommend queries and formulas are copied and pasted into supported Text Editors. Ensure single-quote marks are used. Avoid curly brackets and double-quote marks.

To merge an image from Salesforce Files:

  1. Build a custom formula field on the Salesforce Files Object to form a URL to the Content document: (Salesforce Classic) Navigate to Setup  Build  Customize  Salesforce Files  Field

    • (Salesforce Lightning) Navigate to Setup  Object Manager  Content Version  Fields and Relationships  New

  2. Create a new formula Field. 
    • For example, Field Image URL: LEFT( $Api.Enterprise_Server_URL_100, FIND( ".com", $Api.Enterprise_Server_URL_100 ) + 4)& "sfc/servlet.shepherd/version/renditionDownload?rendition=THUMB720BY480&versionId=" & Id & "&operationContext=CHATTER"
  3. Write a Conga query to retrieve the formula field. Use the dot syntax to go from the ContentDocumentLink Object up through the ContentDocument through the LatestPublishedVersion Object to retrieve the custom formula:

    SELECT ContentDocument.Latestpublishedversion.Field_Image_URL__c FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE LinkedEntityId = '{pv0}' AND ContentDocument.FileType IN ('PNG','JPG','JPEG')

  4. Use the Detail Regions and the IMAGE special merge field to merge the image into the template.
    For example in Microsoft Word: 