The Conga Batch record is a custom object that is installed with the Conga Batch app. It serves as a launch point for Conga Batch batch processes. Upgrading the Conga Batch record involves adding a field to the Conga Batch page layout and using that field to specify that Conga Batch record runs on Release 8 instead of Release 7.

To upgrade a Conga Batch record to run on Release 8 servers

  1. Go to your Scheduled Conga Batches and deactivate them.
  2. Replace the Launch button with the Launch_dev button.
  3. Add the Formula Builder button to the Conga Batch page layout.
  4. Navigate to Salesforce Setup > Build > Create > Objects > Conga Batch > Page Layouts > Conga Batch Layout > Edit.
  5. Select the Buttons menu.
  6. Click and drag the Formula Builder button to the Custom Buttons area. The Formula Builder is used when creating new Conga Batch solutions – it converts a button to the required Conga Batch formula field. Don’t yet save the change – another modification to the page layout is described in the next step.
  7. Add the Version field to the Conga Batch page layout. Navigate to Salesforce Setup → Build → Create → Objects → Conga Batch → Page Layouts → Conga Batch Layout → Edit.
  8. Select the Fields menu.
  9. Click and drag the Version field beneath the URL Field Name field.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Navigate to the Conga Batches tab and click Conga Batch Name to open the Conga Batch record you wish to upgrade from Release 7 to Release 8.
  12. Edit the Conga Batch record and change the value of the Version field to C8, which indicates Release 8.
  13. Click Save. This Conga Batch batch process now runs on the Release 8 servers. However, if the Conga Batch record is configured to run on a scheduled basis, proceed with steps 7-14. To check whether the Conga Batch record is scheduled, see the Schedule section of the Conga Batch record. If the Conga Batch record is not configured to run on a schedule, skip to step 12.
  14. Click the Schedule button on the Conga Batch record. A confirmation notice appears.
  15. Reschedule the Conga Batch batch in the Release 8 scheduler by selecting the appropriate choices in the Frequency, Repeat, Scheduling, and Timing sections.
  16. Click Save Changes.
  17. Click Enable.
  18. Click Return to Conga Batch Record.
  19. Test the Conga Batch solution on the Release 8 servers before deploying. Please see the Conga Batch and Conga Trigger Test Guide for details.
  20. Repeat steps 4 - 12 to upgrade any other Conga Batch records.
  21. Remove the Version field from the Conga Batch page layout once you’ve finished upgrading your records.

New Conga Batch records (those created after the upgrade) will default the value of the Version field to C8, indicating those records will run on Conga Batch Release 8.