This topic applies only to customers currently using Conga Batch Release 7 and who wish to upgrade to Conga Batch Release 8.

Un-schedule your Conga Batches in Version 7 before upgrading.

Conga Batch is a composite application, which means that some parts of the system are installed into the Salesforce instance in a managed package; however, most of the system runs on Conga’s servers.

The portions of the system that run on our servers are updated automatically. However, the portions of the system that are installed into Salesforce are upgraded by installing Conga Batch Release 8 and following the prompts to update the installed components.

Do not uninstall the previous version of Conga Batch before upgrading to Release 8. If Conga Batch is uninstalled before upgrading, all the previously built Conga Batch solutions are lost and must be rebuilt.