Save HTML email markup to an Activity related list on the Salesforce Object without the need to send an outbound email.

Category: Activity Logging Parameter

Compatible with: Composer 8

Parameter Name: AC5

Parameter Value: (0 or 1)

Parameter Requirements: None

Parameter Description: AC5 saves HTML email markup to an Activity related list on the Salesforce Object without the need to send an outbound email.

This parameter only works if you do not send an outbound email.

Parameter ValueDefinition
0Does not save HTML markup to Activity relates list on an Object.
1Saves HTML markup to Activity related list on an Object. (default)

AC5 is not compatible with &DS7=2. When using these two parameters together, the following error occurs: There was an issue getting the Master object record details. To accomplish email activity logging in background mode, this parameter must be used: DS7=12. To avoid this error, use &DS7=12 instead of &DS7=2.

