This section explains how to log in to Conga for Google Docs add-on.


  • The Conga for Google Docs add-on must be installed in Google Docs. For more information about installing the add-on, see Installing the Add-On.
  • Supported CLM package is installed in your salesforce org.

  • Ensure correct configuration of Google Apps settings.

  • Ensure correct configuration of Google Drive setup.

  • Ensure correct remote site setting.
  • Enable versioning for Documents and Templates.

  • Ensure that custom profile and/or Master profile permissions are configured for your user profiles to access the features of the add-on.

For more information on configuring the above CLM Application level settings for a seamless connection with the Conga for Google Docs add-on, see Conga for Google Docs for Administrators.

To log into Conga for Google Docs

  1. Sign in to Google Docs.
  2. Open a document and click Extensions > Conga for Google Docs > Launch. The Conga for Google Docs pane appears.
  3. Click Login. The login panel opens.
  4. Select an Identity Provider from the Select an option dropdown list and click Sign in.

    The Add-On currently supports Salesforce as the only identity provider.

  5. Enter your salesforce sandbox or production credentials (user name and password) and click Login. The Home Page appears.

You are logged into the Conga for Google Docs add-on. The menu or options you see depend on the access privileges granted to you by your organization's admin.

The following options are displayed when you click the Home button.

User Name & Email AddressDisplays the user name and email address.
ContractsOpens the list of existing contracts.
TemplatesOpens the list of existing templates.
Clause LibraryOpens the list of existing clause.
DocumentationNavigates to the Conga for Google Docs documentation.
Customer SupportConnects with the customer support team.
App InfoDisplays information about the application you are logged into.  
Log OutAllows user to exit the Conga for Google Docs add-on.