Updating and Checking a Clause In section describes how to access various versions of a clause, view its information, update it, and check it into the Conga CLM application. You can open (check out) any type of clause from the Clause Library and make changes to the static text within the clause. Once you complete your modifications, you can check the clause in and modify its properties, such as its associated agreement type.

Only clauses created through the Conga for Google Docs add-on are searchable or accessible. You will be able to view or open the clause only if your organization's administrator has granted access to your user profile.


Your browser allows pop-ups.

To update and check a clause in

  1. Sign in to Google Docs and launch the add-on.
  2. Open a document, select Extensions > Conga for Google Docs, and click Launch. The Conga for Google Docs pane appears.
  3. Log in to Conga for Google Docs. The Home page appears.
  4. Go to the Menu () icon and click Clause Library, or click Clause Library from the Home page. A list of clauses appears.
  5. You can open a clause from the Clause Library in three ways:
    • Use the Search box to find a specific clause by keyword and press Enter to display a list of clauses. Click the clause name link.
    • Hover over the clause name link's Info () icon, then click Open.
    • Hover over the clause name link's Info () icon and select View All Version to list available clause versions. Expand the desired version and click Open. For more information about versioning, see Versioning Templates.

      If a clause is locked by another user, the system gives a validation message indicating that the template is locked. Wait until the clause is unlocked and open it later. Use the Refresh () icon to get the updated locking status of the template.

  6. An active version of a clause opens in a different tab and the add-on pane details the opened clause, its name, current version, local information, currency information, etc. Click the Unlock () icon and select Acquire to lock the clause for editing.

    To avoid conflicts where two users edit the same clause simultaneously, the system allows updating the clause after locking (acquiring). For more information on locking a clause, see Locking and Unlocking Template.

  7. Update the clause

  8. Click the Finish button. The Check In pane appears in editable mode.

  9. Add or update the fields.

  10. Disable the Active toggle to deactivate the clause.

    If you deactivate the clause, the system creates a new version on check-in, but keeps using the currently active version to generate agreements, even if it is an older clause version.

  11. Click Check In. A confirmation popup appears.
    • Click YES to continue working on a clause. A latest version of a clause opens in a new tab.
    • Click NO to complete check-in and close the popup.

The add-on pane details the opened clause, its name, current version, local information, currency information, etc.

An updated clause record is created and stored in Google Drive, and your clause is checked into the Conga CLM. A clause version is created and you can find a link to the clause document under CLM > Templates > Clauses > Versions > Related tab > Notes & Attachments. Click the Google Doc URL to open it.

The document opens in read-only mode. To edit it further, you must check it out using the Conga for Google Docs add-on.