By default, the application does not automatically add strings from certain sources to the tenant database. You must manually add strings using the Add Translation Entries or Bulk Import features of the Translation Workbench. You can translate a single string or multiple strings for a locale and module as you specify. For more information on Module, see Creating and Managing Modules.

While adding translations, make sure to specify the correct Key. The translation keys connect to the layout, application, or system location where the translation will be returned and displayed to the user at runtime.

The following image shows an example of the Translations screen. You must enter Locale and Module to view the list of all available translations. The screen also contains features for creating, modifying, and exporting translations.

To add translation entries

  1. Log in to the Conga Platform as an admin user.
  2. Click the App Launcher () icon from the top-left corner Admin Console > Translation Workbench.
  3. Go to the Translations tab.
  4. Search and select the Locale and Module for which you want to add a translation.
  5. Click the Add Translation Entries option. The Add Translation Entries popup appears.
  6. Enter or select appropriate values for the following:

    Field/ IconDescription

    Enter the key name of the location where you want to apply the translation (for example, screen, field, module, layout, application, system, etc.).

    This is applicable to all metadata.

    ValueEnter the translation of the key for the selected locale and module.
    Add Translation Entries

    Click the Add Translation Entries () icon to add multiple translation entries.  

    Remove Translation Entry

    Click the Remove ()  icon to remove the translation entry.

  7. Click Save.

Each translated string is stored in the tenant database as a key-value pair, with the key representing the translation, and the value representing the translation of the string for the given locale.

You can bulk import or export translation entries for the particular locale and module using the available options. For more details, see Importing Bulk Translations and Exporting Translations.

To edit translation

  1. Click the More () icon for the respective translation from the list and select Edit.
  2. Modify the value.
  3. Click Save.

To delete translation

  1. Click the More () icon for the respective translation from the list and select Delete.
  2. From the confirmation dialog, click Submit.