This section describes creating workflow definitions using activities. An activity represents a task within a workflow, and a workflow definition is a sequence of activities, such as sending an email or updating a specific record field. Workflow activities can be executed manually or automatically. Depending on the circumstances, they can also be set up to run wholly or partially in parallel.

Activities can be broadly classified as blocking and non-blocking:

Non-blocking activities do not require user intervention or external input to complete. For example, the Send Email activity executes automatically using pre-configured information to send the email.

Blocking activities pause after performing an initial task and wait until all conditions are satisfied to resume the workflow. This resumption can occur either through a user action on the UI or by calling the resume API. For example, when Approval activity is initiated, it may start an approval process and then wait for the approval result to proceed. This could span days, during which the activity (and consequently, the entire workflow) remains suspended. Once the approval result is available, the activity can be resumed, and the workflow continues.


You have defined: 

  • The conditions required for the workflow to start.
  • What you want the system to do when these conditions are met.

To create a workflow

  1. Log in to the Conga Platform as an admin user.
  2. Click the App Launcher () icon from the top-left corner > Admin Console > Workflow. The list of workflow definitions appears.
  3. Click Create Workflow. Enter the following information in the Settings tab of the pop-up window.

    Workflow Type

    Select the workflow type that suits your requirement:

    • Stage: A workflow type where tasks or processes are organized sequentially.
    • Standalone: A self-contained workflow type that operates independently from other workflows.
    • StagedFlow: A hybrid workflow type combining elements of both staged and standalone workflows.
    Object NameSearch and select the object desired to associate with the workflow.
    NameEnter the technical identifier for the workflow.
    Display NameEnter user friendly display name for the workflow.
    DescriptionEnter relevant description for the workflow.
  4. Click Save and then Start. A window with different activities supported in the workflow appears.
  5. Search and click on the activity you want to add to your workflow. The system supports these activities:

    Automatic NotificationNon-blockingTo send an email to designated recipients using a predefined email template when a specific workflow is executed.
    Send EmailNon-blockingTo send an email to specified recipients.

    To invoke an approval request when specific entry criteria are fulfilled. The workflow pauses until the approval engine responds to the request. Once the approval engine responds, the workflow automatically resumes execution.


    To update the record (variable or collection variable) stored within the workflow context in order to minimize frequent updates to the database.

    CommunicationBlockingTo send an email using the parameters passed during runtime.
    GenericBlockingTo pause workflow execution and wait until the necessary information is received or the required tasks are completed; once it obtains what it needs, the workflow execution resumes automatically.
    Resume WorkflowBlockingTo temporarily pause the workflow until a specific action is completed. It will remain paused until there is a change in data, after which the workflow will resume.
    Start WorkflowNon-blockingTo configure a trigger at the beginning of your workflow to initiate execution in response to specific data changes.
    End StageNon-blockingTo mark the previous stage as completed in the workflow execution.
    Execute Custom APINon-blockingTo execute custom code by invoking a custom API.
    Get RecordsNon-blockingTo query a record of any object from the database, store it in a variable, and subsequently utilize it in later workflow activities for further processing. For example, using a For Loop.
    If ElseNon-blockingEvaluate the query condition and, based on whether it is True or False, proceed with the corresponding branch in the workflow.
    Internal WebhookNon-blockingTo invoke internal APIs.
    LoopNon-blockingTo define a for-loop activity to paginate through the collection of records retrieved using the Get Records activity and process them iteratively.
    Schedule WorkflowNon-blockingTo initiate the workflow at regular intervals according to a specified Cron expression.
    Send Email by TemplateNon-blockingTo send an email to specified recipients using a pre-defined email template.
    Update context/related Objects(s)Non-blockingTo update the record with the specified fields and values for selected Object Name and Record ID associated with the running workflow.
    Chain StageBlocking and Non-blockingTo execute another workflow as a child workflow.
    ForkNon-blockingTo create multiple independent workflow branches (sub-workflows) that execute sequentially in a specified order within a single workflow.
    ORNon-blockingTo combine multiple workflow executions into a single transition. This helps execute the next step in a workflow when any of the activities in multiple paths is completed. Without the OR activity, if multiple workflow paths converge simultaneously, subsequent activities may be executed more than once.
    Query Binary BranchNon-blockingEvaluate the query condition and, based on whether it is True or False, proceed with the corresponding branch in the workflow.
    Query MatchingBlockingTo evaluate the query condition before allowing the workflow to continue. If the condition is true, the workflow proceeds. If false, the workflow stops and enters a suspended state.
  6. An activity-specific window to configure workflow parameters appears. Enter the necessary information.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Go to the activity tile and click the Ellipsis () icon:
    1. Click Edit to update the activity parameters.
    2. Click Delete to remove the activity.
  9. Click the Plus () icon to add another activity to the flow.
  10. Click the Settings () icon to update the workflow type, name, display name, and description.
    A workflow is auto-saved as a draft.
  11. Click Publish. A confirmation message appears.