When you create a custom field, you must specify the field's data type, which determines user input. The table below describes all available field data types as well as their limitations.

Some data types can be enabled as a calculated field. This allows administrators to build an expression to represent the field value.

Data TypeDescription
BooleanAllows the user to select the value of the field as true or false.
StringAllows the user to enter a text value of up to 2000 characters (minimum 1). You can limit this by specifying a length value.
CurrencyAllows the user to specify a currency amount. Locale formatting for currency is based on user locale settings. Precision indicates the allowed length of the number in its entirety (including the decimal), whereas Scale defines the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal. You can set a default value for this field.
Date TimeAllows the user to select a date and time. You can set the default date and time as blank or the current or future date and time. While saving the record, the Date Time datatype field converts the time to the user's or organization's time zone.

Allows the user to choose a date and designate the default date as either the current or a future date. Alternatively, the field can be left blank. The Date data type field must adhere to the yyyy-MM-dd format.

The date data type field does not perform any conversion upon saving a record. Instead, it preserves the exact value specified during input.

Auto NumberAutomatically assigns a unique number to each record. Specify the initial seed for the first Auto Number record. Each subsequent record's number is incremented by one.
PicklistAllows the user to select a single value from a list. You can also set the default picklist value.
MultipicklistAllows the user to select one or more values from a list. You can also set the default picklist values.

Allows the user to associate a complex metadata field with the object. Complex metadata is used to create a complex field by nesting multiple fields with different data types—such as strings or numbers—into a single field. For more information on creating complex metadata, see Managing Complex Metadata.

Complex Array

Allows the user to associate a complex metadata fields with the object. Complex metadata is used to create a complex field by nesting multiple fields with different data types—such as strings or numbers—into a single field. For more information on creating complex metadata, see Managing Complex Metadata.

ReferenceContains the reference or address of created objects. You can define a rollup field based on a reference field, but not on a lookup field. You can use a reference in places where the ID is insufficient. You can use lookup to show the record GUID as well as the name.

Creates a lookup relationship between two records. For example, Account and Opportunity (you can associate an account with an opportunity by creating a lookup field on the Opportunity entity).

By default, lookup fields are queryable.


Unique identifier of any records located in the Conga Platform. Internally, the identifier is a GUID. The platform only creates GUIDs for the out-of-the-box ID field. The platform does not auto-populate any additional fields defined as Identifier.


Allows the user to specify a text value up to 64K characters (minimum 1). You can limit this by specifying a length value and rendering the field as a text area.

Use this for paragraphs or long phrases.


A 64-bit number that includes a decimal point. Doubles have a minimum value of –263 and a maximum value of 263 – 1. When you need a more granular scale value, use decimal; otherwise, use double.

For example:

Double Pi = 3.14159;

Double e = 2.7182818284D;
DecimalAllows the user to enter a number with decimal places. Precision indicates the allowed length of the number (including the decimal), while Scale defines the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal. You can set a default value for this field.
IntAllows the user to enter a whole (real) number. You can set the default integer value for this field.

A rollup field contains an aggregate value computed over the records related to a specified record.

For example, the Total Agreement Value roll-up field could be aggregated based on the values of all agreement line items using the expression SUM(Line Item Amounts).


Allows the user to enter the image URL/path. The image data type field must not be queryable, sortable, or calculated.