When accessing the repository, you also get access to a continuous integration (CI) pipeline. This pipeline is built using Bitbucket's pipeline feature. Below is the initial structure of the repository created for custom code development:

Folder NameDescription
platform-ext-appContains "resources" and "package-metadata" folders, and a bitbucket-pipelines.yml file defining the CI pipeline for custom code. This YAML file generates the artifact package based on the configured branch.

Contains supported resources for development, such as "customecodes". Also, custom code projects created using the provided .Net templates are located in this folder.

For example, the "resources" folder contains one custom code project named PostAccountChangeHook. It could be created for use cases like callback, servicehook, etc.

Additionally, the "scripts" folder contains build and test PowerShell scripts for building and testing .NET projects.


Contains a package file in .xml format. The package.xml file allows specifying which custom code projects to include in the build artifact (custom code deployment package). Enter "*" to include all custom code projects or specify comma-separated custom code project names to include in the build artifact.
