After you create an email template, you can view and edit the email template from the email templates list page. From this page, you can take several actions:

  • View and edit the details of an email template
  • Add dynamic merge fields using JSON data and Mater Objects
  • Preview an email template
  • Clone an email template
  • Delete an email template

To view an email template, click the template name from the email templates list. By default, it opens in edit mode. You can search for the template using the template name or access type (private or public).

Taking Actions on Email Templates

You can take the following various actions on existing email templates:.

To edit an email template

  1. Click the template name from the email templates list, or click the More () icon for the relevant email template from the list and select Edit.
  2. Make any necessary changes to the email template fields and body.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Preview to review the template changes.

To add JSON data merge fields

  1. Click the template name from the email templates list, or click the More () icon for the respective email template from the list and select Edit.
  2. Click Merge Field Lookup.
  3. Click Add JSON Data.
  4. Copy and paste your JSON data and click Populate Merge Data.

    The Populate Merge Data button will only be enabled if you have valid JSON data. The validation message is also visible at the bottom of the text area box.

  5. Select either Display merge fields as text only or Display with merge field syntax as per your business use case.
  6. Select the Merge Field Types (either Single Merge Fields or Table Data) as per your business use case.
  7. Click the Copy () icon to copy the field and paste it into the email template body. 
  8. Click Preview to review the template changes.
  9. Click Save.

To add master object merge fields

  1. Click the template name from the email templates list, or click the More () icon for the respective email template from the list and select Edit.
  2. Click Merge Field Lookup.
  3. Go to the Master Objects tab.
  4. Click the dropdown next to any object listed to see a list of the available fields.
  5. Use the Search bar to find a specific object. 
  6. Click the Copy () icon to copy the field and paste it into the email template body. 
  7. Click Preview to review the template changes.
  8. Click Save.

To clone an email template

  1. Click the More () icon for the respective email template from the list.
  2. Select Clone.

The template will be cloned with the same name.

To delete an email template

  1. Click the More () icon for the respective email template from the list.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. From the confirmation dialog, click Confirm.

Do not delete an email template if it is associated with one or more business rules or actions.