Workflow Instances are the actual execution of workflow definitions. A single workflow definition can have multiple workflow instances in progress at any given time. You can view and terminate any active workflow instances.

To view and manage workflow instances

  1. Log in to the Conga Platform as an admin user.
  2. Click the App Launcher () icon from the top-left corner > Admin Console > Workflow. The Workflows listing page appears.
  3. Enter the name of the workflow definition you want to search for to see its instances.
  4. Click the More () icon at the beginning of the workflow record, and then click View Instances. The Instances pane shows a list of active workflow instances.
    • To open the associated workflow definition pane, click on the Name link.
    • To cancel or delete an instance, click the More () icon at the beginning of the record and select either Cancel or Delete.
    • To download multiple instances, first select the records, then click the Download () icon, and select the format you want to download the records in.