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SOAP API Reference


SOAP API is deprecated for Conga Contracts.

General Considerations

Each class has an id field, which is defined as the UUID of a specific object. When creating new objects, this field must be blank and it will be generated by the server. When modifying an object retrieved via a query, it must not be changed in order to have an update function correctly. However, setting the id to null and using create on the object is a convenient way to either duplicate objects, or use existing objects as a template for creating new ones.

Creation Template API

  • Creation templates can be run using the API
  • The creation template must be set up and Active in the system already
  • You cannot use the API to run the creation template if there are questions on it. These questions are set up in the Admin section of the application
  • Use the below code AFTER creating a valid session to run the template on the contract profile
  • After the template is created it will be attached to the contract profile
NovatusCreationTemplateService ctPort = portCreators.creationTemplate(sessionId);
		String documentId = ctPort.runSimpleTemplate("{documentId}", "{creationtemplateId}");