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Elastic Search

Using Elastic search, you can quickly search for a name, keyword, value/number, or text string in Company, Contract, and Document Profiles. Depending on the type of search you are running, results are displayed in different program screens. You can also use Boolean operators in your search string to expand or limit your search results.


Elastic search is used in the navigation menu search box and everywhere else in Conga Contracts except the Company or Contract browse screens. The Company or Contract browse screens use classic search.

Elastic Search list

Make a selection in the list before entering your criteria in the Search field:

  • All - displays results in the screen shown above.
  • Company - displays the All Companies screen with a list of company links matching your search criteria.
  • Contract - displays the All Contracts screen with a list of contract links matching your search criteria.
  • Documents - results display in the screen shown above, except only document links display.

Elastic Search field

Enter your search criteria, and click the magnifying glass (or depress the ENTER key on your keyboard).

Contract results

View the contract search results, which display under linked Contract Profile headings.

  • A contract result includes the contract number, type, status, effective date, current expiration date, date last modified, and term type, as well as the company name.

Company results

View the company search results, which display under linked Company Profile headings.

  • A company result includes the company number, type, group, status, category, address, and date last modified.

Document results

View the document search results, which display under linked Document Profile headings.

  • A document result includes the file name, document type, version number, effective date, date last modified, and author, as well as information that identifies the Profile where the document is stored.

TYPE check boxes

To filter search results by profile type, clear the Company, Contract, or Document check boxes to display only the search results for the selected Profile(s).

DATE MODIFIED radio buttons

To filter search results by the date the profiles were last modified, select an option other than All Time.

More Actions list - Contract and Company results

Click the Search Icon to display a menu listing the files stored in the Documents section of the Contract or Company Profile, and click on a file to download it.

More Actions list - Document results

Click the Search icon to display a menu, and click Download to download a copy of the document.

Next and Previous buttons

Use to scroll through the search results.

Boolean Operators

The following Boolean operators can be used in an elastic search:



" "

Quotes - Enclose a phrase or text string in quotes to ensure the entire phrase/string is returned, instead of all instances of the individual words.


AND - Use to limit your search results. This operator requires both terms to be in each search result returned. If one term is contained in the Contract, Company, or Document Profile and the other is not, the search result is not included in the list. A "term" refers to a name, word, number, phrase, or text string.


OR – Use to expand your search results. This operator returns either term (or both terms) in the search results.


NOT – Use to remove search results containing this term. Once search results are obtained, this operator reviews the results and removes any that contains this term.

( )

Parenthesis – Enclose terms in parenthesis when you want a search statement to be performed first.

Example: Using the search string "Paradigm Shift" +(Company | Contract) –Maintenance will display a link to the Paradigm Shift Company Profile, as well as links to all the Contract Profiles for Paradigm Shift, except those profiles that contain the word Maintenance. Be sure not to add any extra spaces after an AND or NOT operator (+ -), or your search results will not be accurate.