A user with the Additional Forms Admin permission can add additional fields and lists to the Company, Contract, and Project Profile screens to capture supplemental data that is not captured in the default Profile screens, but considered required information by their organization. The types of fields and lists that can be added to a Profile screen are the same as those that can be added to an additional form.

There are seven types of fields that can be added to a Profile screen: Text (256 characters or less), Long Text (up to 40 pages), Date, Number, Currency, Hyperlink (to link to a web page), and GIS Geometry. However, the GIS Geometry field, which generates a map using location coordinates provided by the Additional Forms Admin, is only available in environments that have POST-GIS enabled on their database, and Conga Contracts will perform this service upon customer request.

There are six types of lists that can be added to a Profile screen:

  • Combo List - two or more items are added to the list, and users must select one item.
  • Multi-select Field - two or more items are added to the list, and users can select more than one item.
  • Linked Combo Field - a set of list items that correspond to each selection in a combo list is created so that when a user makes a selection in the combo list, the options in the linked combo field are limited to those defined by the Administrator. Users can make only on selection in the linked combo field.
  • Linked Multi-select Field - a set of list items that correspond to each selection in a combo list is created so that when a user makes a selection in the combo list, the options in the linked multi-select field are limited to those defined by the Administrator. Users can make more than one selection in the linked multi-select field.
  • Tree Field - a hierarchy of list items is created, allowing users to drill down one or more levels and select the most appropriate option at each level.
  • Person Field - a system-generated list that requires an Administrator to create all the functions that users, company contacts, and external participants will need in Conga Contracts. Once the functions are defined, the Administrator adds the Person Field as an additional field in a Company, Contract, or Project Profile, and selects one user function. When a user populates the field, the selected user function is replaced with the names of all the people who can perform this function.

In the steps below, we are adding a date field and multi-select field to the Contract Profile screen. The date field reflects the date the request to create the contract was approved, and the multi-select field identifies the person or persons responsible for initiating and submitting the contract request. The procedure for adding fields to a Company Profile and Project Profile screen is the same when the appropriate substitutions are made.

  1. Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click the Additional Forms link.
  2. In the Additional Form Admin Browse screen, locate the Form Type: Additional Fields category, and clickContract Additional Fields.


    Use caution when adding an additional field since you cannot delete it once you add it to the Profile screen. However, you can hide a field by right-clicking on it and selecting the button. The field will not display when a user adds a Contract Profile, Company Profile, or Project Profile.

  3. In the Add Field prompt, populate the fields:
    • Field Name - enter a name for the new field
    • Field Type - select Date Field in the list
    • Click Save
  4. (Optional) Click the field to select it. An active field is outlined with a red segmented line and its properties display in the Field Properties grid.
  5. (Optional) In the Field Properties grid:
  6. Make the field required by selecting true in the Required? list.
  7. Enter information or instructions in the Quick Tip field to assist users in populating the field. When a user hovers over the field, the information you enter displays. The Field Type cannot be edited and the API Name field will auto-populate once you save the form. The API Name field should only be populated by a developer from your company.Rename the field by clicking in the Field Label field and typing over the existing text.
  8. Click Add Field in the toolbar to add a second field to the Profile screen.
  9. In the Add Field prompt:
    • Populate the Field Name field.
    • Select Combo List in the Field Type list
    • Click Save
  10. (Optional) Repeat steps 5-6 to set the field properties for the combo list.
  11. (Optional) Move a field by clicking on it to select it. Hover over the field until the icon displays. Click on the icon, and then drag-and-drop the field to the desired location in Column 1 or Column 2.
  12. (Optional) Add an Information Panel to group and organize related fields.
  13. Click Save. Add list items for any lists added to the Profile from the List Administration screen. In this example, you would add list items to the Person Who Approved Contract Request combo list.