The Classic Search locates both text and numbers stored in Company and Contract Profiles. The information that is searched includes the data stored in a field in the Profile screen, as well as a selection made in a Profile field list.

If you are using the search box in the navigation menu or anywhere outside of the Company or Contract browse screens, you are using Elastic Search. 

Using Classic search, you can quickly search for both text and numbers stored in Company and Contract Profiles. The information that is searched includes the data stored in a Profile text field, as well as a selection made in a field list. Searching for a name, keyword, value/number, or text string displays search results that are grouped by company and contract and each search record is linked to its associated profile. To locate information in a document that has been uploaded to a Company or Contract Profile, run a document search.

Search field
Enter your search criteria, and click depress the ENTER key on your keyboard (or click the magnifying glass).
Tip: The Search field is NOT case-sensitive.
Company Search sectionReview the company search results, which display as linked records to Company Profiles.
Contract Search sectionReview the contract search results, which display as linked records to Contract Profiles.
Download icon
Click the arrow icon to display a list of the documents stored in a Contract or Company Profile.
Documents listClick on a document in the list to open the document in its default application.
Export to Excel buttonClick to generate an Excel spreadsheet showing the Company or Contract search results.
Column display
To customize the information in the Company Search and Contract Search sections of the screen, hover over a column heading until the  icon displays, and click on it to open the Columns menu. Click Columns to display a list of available fields, and select the fields you want displayed by clicking in the check box to the left of the field.
Show Items listTo change the number of data records that display on each screen, change the default selection.
Jump to Page optionTo view a specific page of contract records, enter a value in the Page field and press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
Paging option
  • To move forward or back one page, use the > and < icons.
  • To display the first or last page, use the >> and << icons.
Refresh option
To return the browse screen to the default view after making changes to the display, click the refresh icon.
Wild Card OperatorThe asterisk (*) can be used as a 'wild card' operator before or after a whole or partial word.

Example: Searching for 'Blizz*' should return results for any contracts that have fields with a value containing 'Blizz'.