Contracts requires that the Name and Email Address fields and the Functions multi-select list in the Person Profile screen must be populated. In addition to these system-required fields, a user with the List Admin permission can designate additional fields that users must populate.

  1. Click the Gear Icon in the Navigation Toolbar, and click the Lists links.
  2. In the List Administration screen, type people into the Search field, and press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
  3. When the results display in the Fields List section, locate the People (2 Items) category. 


    If People Fields 1-5 display in the results, these additional fields have not been renamed for use in the User Profile, and list items have not been added. Once these tasks are completed, the People Fields do not display in the People category, but can be located by entering person in the Search field.

  4. In the People category, click People Required Fields to display a list of the optional fields in the Person Profile that can be designated as required fields. 


    A Person Profile is created by (1) selecting the People link in a Company Profile, and (2) selecting the Add External Person or Add Company Person button in the Person Browse screen, which is accessed from your Tools menu.

  5. Click the Required check box for a field to make it required in the Person Profile screen.
    • Clear the check box to make the field optional.
  6. Click Save.