The My Calendar screen displays a monthly calendar showing all events and tasks assigned to you by other users, as well as those you assigned to yourself. You can also view past months and years, and adjust the view so that events and tasks are hidden.

The My Calendar screen displays a monthly calendar showing all events and tasks assigned to you by other users, as well as those you assigned to yourself. You can also view past months and years, and adjust the view so that events and tasks are hidden.

Navigation ToolbarClick Tools to display the menu, and then click the Calendar link.
Calendar Month

Click the calendar icon to change the calendar month and year. The default is today's calendar month.

Today button
Click Today to select today’s date.
Current CalendarView the current month's events and tasks.
Tip: The calendar view always contains additional days, showing either part of the last week of the previous month or part of the first week for the next month (or both).
Calendar Navigator
  • Click > to navigate to future calendar months and their events and tasks.
  • Click < to navigate to previous calendar months and their events and tasks.
Task links (green background)Click on a link to jump to the Company, Contract, or Project Profile screen where you can view information for the task. To return to your calendar, click on your browser's Back button.
Tip: If you mouse over the link, a pop-up displays with the full name of the task, along with the date.
Event links (tan background)

Click on a link to jump to the Company or Contract Profile screen where you can view information for the event. To return to your calendar, click on your browser's Back button.


 If you mouse over the link, a pop-up displays with the full name of the event, along with the date.

Hide/Show toggle buttonsClick to hide/show your events and tasks in the calendar.
  • Hide/Show My Events - controls the display of events assigned to you during the selected time frame.
  • Hide/Show My Tasks - controls the display of tasks assigned to you during the selected time frame.
  • Hide/Show Other Events - controls the display of events assigned to you, as well as those you assigned to yourself during the selected time frame.