This section lists terms and their definitions for the Grid application.

Conga Grid Quick StartThe Conga Grid Quick Start allows you to to set up Grid using pre-configured templates or by importing existing Salesforce data from your organization.
GridsGrids replace Salesforce lists, related lists, and reports with grids that provide an interface to help you quickly filter and group, to see relationships, and to perform actions quickly.
ActionsActions are buttons that allow you to perform tasks like Batch Add, Clone, Send Email, and more. 
ViewsYou can create and save Views with options like conditional formatting, sorting, mass update, and other features.
SolutionsYou can build multiple different configurations of lists, views, and actions to create solutions. 
Reading PaneThe Reading Pane is a panel that displays detailed information about a selected record.
Conga Grid ExplorerThe Conga Grid Explorer is your stop shop to view navigate and view data. You can select any object and browse defaults views. 
Conga Grid SetupConga Grid Setup allows you to create grid views and visual force pages that contain those grid views. You can also maintain the security features of your grids here. 
Lightning ComponentThe Lightning Component allows you to use existing lightning components and display them in the conga grid reading pane. 
Configure ButtonThe configure button allows you to edit a Grid to add fields, edit the reading pane, and edit the toolbar. 
Live GridLive Grid allows you to see real time updates to your Grid view while collaborating with other users.