This section lists terms and their definitions for the Conga Sign application.


Email notification

The means by which signers are informed that they have an electronic document to sign. The email notification includes a link that takes the signer directly to the document.
SenderUsers who can create, send and manage Conga Sign document.
RecipientA Recipient is someone who receives a Conga Sign document. They can be designated as a Signer, In Person signer, or CCd individual.
SignerA Conga Sign document recipient who is required to take action on the document.

Reminders and Expiration

Enables the sender to set the default validity and frequency of an eSignature request.


Locations in a document where the signer needs to take action and provide information.

In Person Signer

The In Person Signer is the recipient who signs a Conga Sign document in person.


The facilitator is the Salesforce user that creates the In Person Signing Transaction and is responsible for conducting the In person signing.

TransactionA record created in Salesforce which tracks statuses, recipients, and documents being signed.