Defining Allowed Actions for Assets
To meet specific business requirements, you can select which of the Renew, Change, Swap, Terminate actions are available for a sales user to perform for each Asset Line Item.
For example, you are an administrator for a news publication. Your company has
several digital offerings that subscribers buy on a monthly term. One subscription has
reached its end-of-life. To prevent your sales representatives from renewing a
customer's subscription for this product, you can exclude Renew from the list of Allowed
To define the Allowable Actions manually,
Defining Flow-based ABO Actions
Depending on your business units and type of purchase, the sales administrator can hide the action buttons on the Installed Products page. The ability to hide the action buttons is available with the flow settings defined for a Quote/Proposal. This is supported in conjunction with hiding the action buttons at the asset line item level (explained above) and global level (refer to Installed Product Settings).
Use case
For a sales-driven industry with products such as equipment (new purchase) and service (purchased for an equipment), you might want to achieve the following:
- As a manufacturing sales representative, for a service flow, you want to view the Renew and the Terminate button. For an equipment flow, you want to view the Change and the Swap button.
- As a subscription sales representative, you want to see the Renew button only when I make a purchase for a quote of type renew. For an add-on quote or an upgrade quote, you do not want to see the Renew button.
To define flow-based ABO action
You must have configured Installed Product settings and Flow settings.