Conga Product Documentation

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Conga Contact Support

If you experience an issue with an Conga product and need help, you can contact Conga Support. Before you contact Conga support, prepare a brief description of the problem you are experiencing. Additionally, to enable us to resolve your problem at the earliest, provide the following important information:

  • What is the environment in which you are experiencing the problem: Sandbox or Production?
  • How many users are affected?

Which product versions are installed?

To determine version numbers:

  1. Go to Setup > App Setup > Installed Packages.
  2. In the Installed Packages section, all the installed packages are displayed. You can find the version numbers in the Version Number column.

What is your Organization ID?

To determine the organization ID:

  1. Go to Setup > Administration Setup > Company Profile > Company Information.

  2. From the Organization Detail pane, provide the Organization ID.

If you are having issues generating documents, what is your merge server end point?

To find the merge server end point:

  1. Go to Setup > App Setup > Develop > Custom Settings.
  2. Click Manage for Comply System Properties.
  3. Click System Properties.
  4. The Merge Webservice Endpoint field displays the setting. The portion of the setting is what will be helpful to customer support.

Grant Login Access of the affected user and an administrator.

To grant login access:

  1. Go to Setup > Personal Setup > My Personal Information > Grant Login Access.

  2. From the Apttus Support picklist, select an option for access duration.

  3. Click Save.