Troubleshooting Common Configuration Mistakes This topic describes common configuration mistakes and possible resolution. 1 Cannot Create Flow2 Cannot Add a Product to the Cart3 Cannot Open or Save Column or Action Settings4 Cannot Add Products to the Cart10 Cannot Add a Product18 Cannot Add a Product20 Cannot See Buttons22 Cannot Finalize a Quote25 Cannot Add a Product to the Cart38 Cannot Configure a Product39 Cannot Configure a Product40 Cannot Add a Product44 Cannot Access the Catalog Page48 Cannot Land on the Catalog Page52 Cannot Configure a Quote82 Cannot Configure a Quote in Partner Community53 Cannot Configure Quotes55 Cannot Add a Product to Cart57 Cannot Configure a Quote58 Cannot Add a Product to Cart59 Cannot Land on the Catalog Page61 Cannot Configure a Quote62 Cannot Configure a Service Bundle Product63 Cannot View a Category or Product66 Catalog Page Error67 Cannot Search a Product on the Catalog68 Cannot Configure a Quote69 Cannot Add a Product70 Cannot Add a Product71 Cannot Add a Product72 Cannot Add a Product73 Cannot Add or Configure a Product72 Cannot Configure a Product74 Pricing Does Not Happen75 Cannot Go to Cart76 Cannot Configure a Quote79 Cannot Configure a Quote80 Cannot Add Products81 Cannot Generate a Doc84 Cannot Search a Product85 Cannot Configure a Product86 Cart Page Error87 Cannot Land on the Catalog Page88 Cannot Add a Product to Cart or Configure a Bundle90 Cannot Finalize the Cart95 Cannot Add a Product to Cart or Configure a Product96 Catalog Page Error in Partner Community97 Cannot Create an Order from Quote98 Cannot Create a Product99 Catalog Page Does Not Load101 Cannot Create a View102 Cannot Search a Product on the Catalog104 Cannot Land on Catalog16 Adding Products Shows Console Error23 Adjustments Are Not Getting Applied37 Cannot Access CPQ17 Cannot Activate Orders13 Cannot Add a Product28 Cannot Add a Service Procut to the Cart35 Cannot Add a Service Product5 Cannot Add Products to Cart and Pricing Fails11 Cannot Configure a Bundle Product50 Cannot Configure a Product9 Cannot Configure Products34 Cannot Create a New Doc64 Cannot Perform Any Action in Console29 Cannot Perform Maintenance Job33 Cannot Run Category Maintenance8 Cannot Select More Than Two Assets29 Cannot Send Email Through Doc Gen27 Cannot View Cart or Do Pricing19 Cart of the Cart Grid Flow Does Not Open45 Cart Page Landing Error30 Cart Page Loading Error54 Cart Views are not saved26 Cannot Add a Product to the Cart24 Currency Display Error78 Duplicate Line Item ID Field Error46 Favorite Configuration Field Error56 Lapsed Line Item Cart Finalization Error12 Mass Updates Are Not Applied on Line Items31 Options Are Not Displayed47 Products Are Not DisplayedPrototype 1Prototype 2Prototype 3Prototype 4Prototype 5 - Catalog Page ErrorsPrototype 6 - Catalog Page Errors15 Quadruple Checkbox Behavior Does Not Work6 Revalidation Error36 URL Displays devMode=true