1. On App Menu, click Conga CPQ Admin and then click the CPQ Admin tab. The new admin console is launched.
  2. Click the more icon () on the top-right corner and select Application Management.
  3. Click Installed Products.
  4. Configure the following details.

    FlowSelect a flow and enter the following details.
    • Display As:
    • Action Area: 
    • Action Style Class:
    • Always Display:
    FlowSelect a flow and enter the following details.
    • Field Name 
    • Is Sortable 
    • Style 
    • Style Class 
    • Header Style
    Direct Configure Asset ActionsThis setting is no longer supported. Instead, you can use the Allowed Actions setting to configure asset actions at each Asset Line Item. Also, you can use the Hide Asset Actions setting to hide the action buttons from users on the Installed Products page.

    Submenu Actions

    Enter comma-separated submenu actions that you want to display when the user clicks an action button on the Installed Products page. You can configure submenu actions only on the Change and Relate actions. The supported values are:

    • Change:Configuration displays the Configuration submenu under the Change action. This submenu enables users to configure an asset line item.
    • Change:Quantity displays the Quantity submenu under the Change action. This submenu enables users to initiate an action to add more licenses for an existing asset stream.
    • Change:Split displays the Split submenu under the Change action. This submenu enables users to split an asset into multiple split lines.
    • Change:Merge displays the Merge submenu under the Change action. This submenu enables users to merge multiple asset lines into a single asset.
    • Relate:Component displays the Component submenu as a drop-down under the Relate action. This submenu enables users to relate an asset component with a service.

    Show Accounts Filter

    Selecting this displays the account filter in the installed products page. This is currently not supported.
    Filter FieldsType the API name of Asset Line Fields to be displayed on the Filter By panel. Works with text fields, Picklist, Multi-picklist, Date, DateTime and Boolean. Commonly used fields are Start DateEnd DateLead Time Expiration, and Asset Status. Usually, all fields under Asset Line Item object are supported but you must enter ExpirationLeadTimeInDays value in order to display Lead Time Expiration field in the Search pane.
    Hide Co-TermHides the Coterminate with Increment panel on the Change Quantity (Increment Asset) page. The Coterminate with Increment panel is displayed by default.
    Show Assets

    Select the account hierarchy that the user must see on the Installed products page. Select from the following settings:

    Parent and Children: The entire account hierarchy including the parent and children are displayed.

    Parent: Only parent accounts are displayed.

    Children: Only children accounts are displayed.

    Hide Asset ActionsType comma-separated values of Increment, Amend, Renew, and Cancel actions. Listed actions will be hidden from the users. You can configure asset actions at each Asset Line Item.
    Max Renews Per TripType the maximum number of renewals per trip. To prevent CPU timeout use a smaller number. The default is 20.
    Amend Change FieldsType comma separated line item field names whose values can turn an existing asset line into an amended asset line. This setting is no longer used. All the editable fields honor the flow settings configured for the Cart.
    Default Renewal TermType a value for a renewal term. When the value is provided use this value as the renewal term for Renewing products. The value here denotes months to renew as the end date. Ideally, your Selling Term is equal to your Default Renewal Term.
    Allow Backdated TerminationEnables you to terminate an asset by specifying an end date to any date prior to the current date. End date should be greater than the start date. Backdated Termination is supported out-of-the-box.
    GroupBy Fields

    Specify the API names of the asset line item fields that must be displayed under the Group By drop-down on the ASSET VIEWS tab of the Installed Products settings from the CPQ Admin UI. The same GroupBy API field values will reflect on the GroupByFields custom setting at Setup > App Setup > Develop > Custom Settings > Installed Product Settings. For more information, see Installed Products Settings.

    Renewal Lead TimeIndicates when the renewal quote will be created after an order is activated.
    By default, the value is 0, which indicates that the renewal quote is created immediately after the order is activated, with the same number of Line Items in the order. If you specify 30, the renewal quote is created 30 days before the Asset End Date.
    Default Renewal Price ListSpecify the Name of the Price List which is a mandatory field for Quote creation.
    Renewal Default Price BookEnter a Renewal Price Book name which you want to associate with renewals.
    Renewal Group Fields

    Indicates how to group the Asset Line Items when a Renewal Opportunity is created. Specify the API names of the fields you want to use for grouping.

    • For Execution mode set to Auto, the system will group the renewal Opportunity by default by the Auto Renew Flag - One for the Asset Lines with Auto Renew as True and the other for Asset Lines with Auto Renew as False.
    • For Execution mode set to OnDemand, the system can group the renewal Opportunity by Account and the Price List.

    If the implementation teams want to group the renewal opportunities by other parameters on the Asset Line Item (for example, end date, product family, or any custom fields), they can do so by specifying a comma-separated list of API names of the fields in this section. It is recommended to limit the grouping to a maximum of 4 fields.

    Renewal Execution ModeIndicates if the Renewal of Asset Line Items must happen automatically or based on your specified conditions.
    • Enter Auto to automatically create the Renewal Opportunity on Order activation.
      Make sure you check Auto Renew on the product PLI, from the Default tab. 
    • Enter OnDemand to create the renewal Opportunity before a certain lead time. You must enter a Renewal Lead Time for this mode to work successfully.
      To create a renewal Opportunity 90 days before the Asset Expiry, set the Execution Mode to OnDemand and Renewal Lead Time to 90.
    Renewal Business Object TypeEnter the Business object for which this renewal is taking place. Currently, Proposal and Agreement are supported.
    Cotermination Preference During Renewal

    Select one or more of the following options to allow the user to determine renewal end dates.

    • UseProposalOrAgreementEndDate: This option enables users to renew an asset using the proposal or agreement end date. CPQ displays the Use Proposal End Date option if the user renews assets using the quoting flow and the Renewal Business Object Type is Proposal. CPQ displays Use Agreement End Date if the user renews assets using the agreement flow and the Renewal Business Object Type is Agreement.

      If the user performs asset renewal through the Asset Manager flow or CSR flow, the Use the Proposal End Date or Use Agreement End Date option is not displayed on the Confirm Renewal intermediate page.

    • RetainCurrentAssetEndDate: This option enables users to retain the current asset end date while renewing an asset.
    • UseFarthestAssetEndDate: This option enables users to use the farthest asset end date while renewing assets. 
    • UseRenewalDate: This option enables users to renew assets with a custom renewal date.

    You must select at least one value in this setting. If you have more than one value, you must also select a default value in the Default Renewal Cotermination Option setting. If you do not select any default value, the first of the selected values is considered as the default value.

    Depending on the selected setting, users can now bypass the Confirm Renewal intermediate page altogether.

    • If there is only selection for co-termination (apart from UseRenewalDate), the Confirm Renewal intermediate page is completely bypassed. On clicking Renew, CPQ creates the renewal line and refreshes the Installed Products page to show the detail in the Mini Cart.
    • If there is more than one selection for co-termination, CPQ displays the Confirm Renewal intermediate page to allow the user to make a selection.
    • If the selected option is UseRenewalDate, CPQ displays the Confirm Renewal pop-up to collect the user input.
    Default Renewal Cotermination OptionSelect the default end date preference for renewal cotermination. If there is only one value in the Cotermination Preferences During Renewal setting, that option is selected by default. If there are more than one options, you can select a value as a default renewal cotermination option. Based on the default option, CPQ loads the selected renewal transactions on the Installed Products page, Confirm Renewal popup, or Confirm Renewal intermediate page.
    Enable One Time Change

    Select this flag to enable modifications or amendment to one-time assets. This is a global setting and cannot be restricted to apply for specific products. You can perform only amendments on one-time assets and not renewals.

    If you deselect this and modify the asset, the renewal quote is updated for the modified asset. If you set it to false, Renewal Opportunity and Renewal Quote are not created for the one-time only products, but if you modify the asset, the change is reflected in the Renewal Quote.
    If you set it to true, Renewal Opportunity and Renewal Quote is not created for one time.

    It is recommended that you treat one-time assets purely as one-time sales. Any modifications or renewals should not be encouraged for one-time assets.

    Allow Mass ChangeYou can enable or disable mass changes for must configure assets with the help of this setting.
    Create Renewal Opportunity

    Indicates if you want to create renewal opportunities along with renewal quotes. By default, this check box is not selected. This is to prevent the system from running into locking issues when an account has a large number of assets and the batch process creates the renewal opportunities for all these assets.

    When set to true, the Create Renewal Opportunity scheduled job runs and creates the renewal opportunities along with renewal quotes.

    When set to false, the Create Renewal Opportunity scheduled job runs and does not create the renewal opportunities and creates only the renewal quote.

    Renew One Ramp

    Consider a scenario where multiple ramped assets exist for a quote. In the previous releases, renewing any one of the ramped assets results in the creation of a renewal cart with the same number of ramps as the original proposal. Each ramp line is created from the original deal which implies that the uplift has to be defined from Ramp 1 for accurate prices in the subsequent ramps. Redefining and specifying details for each ramp can be cumbersome and as a user, you would expect that for a three-year ramped deal, the uplift specified on year 3 is applied on renewal to year 4.  
    This setting enables you to renew only one ramp line item based on the new term in order of renewal term in the asset line item, default renewal term specified in the Installed Product Setting and Selling Term defined in the asset line item.

    Account Hierarchy Batch Size

    Indicates the number of Account Hierarchy records processed for each batch execution. Recommended value is 500. Valid values range from 1 to 2000.

    End Date preferences for Cotermination

    Enables you to decide what End Date preferences the user should see while coterminating incremental licenses using the Change:Quantity action. For information on coterminating assets, see Managing Asset Increment with Coterminate Lines. The supported values are:

    • RetainCurrentAssetEndDate: This option enables the user to retain the current asset end date for cotermination.
    • UseCustomDate: This option enables the user to enter a custom date for cotermination.
    • UseProposalEndDate: This option enables the user to use the proposal end date for cotermination.

      If the user performs asset increment through the Asset Manager flow, the Use the Proposal End Date option is not displayed on the Change Quantity intermediate page.

    Default Cotermination OptionFrom the Default Cotermination Option drop-down list, select the cotermination option that you want to set as default.
    Relate Action Criteria FieldsSelect the asset line item fields to enable relate asset action. This setting shows all fields of Asset Line Item and Price Dimensions defined on asset line item. When the user selects two or more assets and clicks Relate, CPQ validates the selected asset line items against the Relate Action Criteria Fields. In case of any discrepancies, CPQ displays a validation error message to the user.
    Asset SourceAllows you to filter the assets to be displayed on the Installed Products page based on the Ship To or Sold To or Bill To fields of an account. By default, all the assets filtered with the Sold To field are displayed. Specify the API name of the Account field that you want to use as a source for displaying assets. For example, to filter the assets based on Ship To field, enter Apttus_Config2__ShipToAccountId__c. You can specify all the three account fields and the system considers an OR condition between these fields while filtering. This is useful when an account has different locations for shipping and billing and you want to display only those assets that have been shipped to a certain location.
    Purchase Id Criteria

    Allows user to define a criteria to get coterminate related asset lines in the Coternimate with Increment section on the Change Quantity page during asset increment. The default purchase identification criteria are: Product, Charge Type, Option, and Account.

    From the Available Purchase Identification Criteria list, add the required criteria to the Selected Purchase Identification Criteria list. CPQ currently supports only Purchase Identifier and alphanumeric custom fields.

    For example, if you select Purchase Identifier, during increment of a selected asset, all other assets with the same Purchase Identifier are displayed on the Coternimate with Increment section.

    If you add QuantitySelling Term, or End Date to the Selected Purchase Identification Criteria, the user will receive an error on order creation or activation.

    Based on the selected purchase identification criteria, the total quantity of an asset spans multiple streams during the increment scenarios, on the Installed Products page (of a renewal quote).

    Split Asset Actions

    Enables the user to perform split asset actions on the Define Split <asset name> page. Add the required split asset action from the Available Split Asset Actions to Selected Split Asset Actions list. Supported options are:

    • Renew: Enables users to perform the Split and Renew asset action.
    • Swap: Enables users to perform the Split and Swap asset action.
    You can create a view to be displayed as a view on the Assets grid. Users can only select the view that you create from the Admin UI, but they cannot edit or delete it. Only you can edit or delete the view as an administrator.
    FlowSelect a flow for the view.
    ViewSelect New to create a view.
    NameEnter a name for the view.
    Group By

    Select a value from the drop-down. The default field is Product.

    The values on the Group By drop-down depend on the fields you have added in the GroupByFields custom setting in the Installed Products settings. For more information, see Installed Products Settings.

    Default ViewTurn on this button to make this view as the default view.
    Make PublicTurn on this button to make this view public.
    User Types

    If you do not make the view public, you can share it with selected users. Select one of the following user types:

    • User Profiles
    • User Roles
    • Users
    After selecting the user type, move the respective users from the Available list to the Selected list.
    Field NameAdd the fields to be displayed as columns in the view for users on the Assets grid.
    Asset Termination Fields

    Do not use this setting. Instead use the Asset Termination option from the Display Type picklist. For more information, see Configuring Display Column Settings.

    Merge Action Criteria FieldsSelect the fields that must be common among the asset line items to be merged. The default fields are product, charge type, selling term, and price type.
    Editable Fields for Cancelled Lines

    Select the fields that you want to make editable for cancelled lines on the cart (during asset termination).

    You can select a custom currency field that is not based on a formula. All out-of-the-box currency fields such as base price and base extended price are not visible in the list of editable fields. 

    Sensitive managed package fields that the user cannot edit on a cancelled line item are not visible in the multi-select picklist to the user.

    You can allow Sales Representatives to edit custom asset line item field values on the Confirm Termination page instead of waiting to go to the Cart page to edit these values. For example, they may want to capture the reason for terminating assets. CPQ carries these edited field values from the Confirm Termination page to the Cart page where Sales Representatives can make further changes to those field values, if required.

    You must add the same fields to the Asset Termination Display Type of a specific flow in Display Colum Settings. For more information, see Configuring Display Column Settings.