You can associate more than one categories with a price List.

  1. Go to Admin Setup > Pricing Administration > Price Lists. The Price Lists page is displayed.
  2. Search for the price list you want to associate a category with. Click the Price List.
  3. On the Price List details page, click the Associated Categories tab. Under Available Categories, you can see all categories available in the org.
  4. In the Search Categories field, enter keywords to search the category you want to associate with the price list.
  5. Hover the mouse on the required category and click + next to the category name. The category is associated to the price list and is displayed in the categories list section (right-hand side). 

    • Hover the mouse on a parent category and click the  icon next to the category name to view category hierarchy before associating to the price list.
    • Reorder the Associated Categories under Pricelists on the Admin UI, and the changes will reflect in the same sequence on the Catalog page in Runtime UI. The sequence updates automatically when categories are reordered or deleted.
  6. Use the sequence () icon to reorder the associated category up and down in the category hierarchy.
  7. To delete an associated category from the product:
    1. Click the ellipsis icon  next to the required category under Category Name in the categories list (right-hand side).
    2. Click Remove.
  8. Under Category Name in the categories list (right-hand side):
    1. Click the category name link. The category details pop-up is displayed. You can see the category details, associated products, and associated price lists.
    2. Click Close.