You can associate more than one price list with a product.

To associate a price list with a product

  1. On the Product Details page, under USAGE REPORT, click the setup icon in the Price List Items section. The Price List Items page is displayed. Under Available Price Lists, you can see all price lists available in the org.
  2. In the Search Price Lists field, enter keywords to search the price list you want to associate with the product and click the search icon or press Enter.
  3. Hover the mouse on the required price list and click + next to the price list name. The price list is associated to the product and is displayed in the Price List Items section (right-hand side).
  4. Enter the following details for the price list item:
    1. From the Charge Type drop-down, select the required charge type for the product. Supported values are:
      • Standard Price
      • License Fee
      • Subscription Fee
      • Implementation Fee
      • Installation Fee
      • Adjustment
      • Service Fee
      • Rental Price
      • Sales Price
      • Usage Fee
      • Consulting Fee
    2. In the List Price field, enter a list price for the product. Supported values are:
    3. From the Price Type drop-down, select the price type. Supported values are:
      • One Time
      • Recurring
      • Usage
    4. From the Frequency drop-down, select the frequency for the product. Supported values are:
      • Hourly
      • Daily
      • Monthly
      • Quarterly
      • Half Yearly 
      • Yearly 
      • Weekly
    5. From the Price Method drop-down, select the price method for the product. Supported values are:
      • Per Unit
      • Flat Price
      • Percentage
      • Related Price
      • Tiered Price
    6. Turn on the Active setting to activate the price list.
  5. Click the ellipsis icon  next to a price list name and click Add Charge Type. A new charge type is added for the selected product. Multiple charge types for the same price list are together.
  6. Click the ellipsis icon  next to a product name and click Charge Type Criteria. For more information, see Adding Charge Type Criteria to a Product.
  7. Click the advanced setup icon next to a price list item name. The price list item details page is displayed. Go to the Matrices tab to define a price matrices. For more information, see Configuring Price Matrices.
  8. Click Save.

The price list is associated with the product.

Charge Type

If you click the charge symbol on PLI listings, it will display the charge-type criteria.

To remove the association of a price list with a product

  1. Go to ADMIN SETUP > Product Administration > Products. The Products page is displayed.
  2. Click the required product name link to open the Products details page.
  3. Click the setup icon in the Price Lists section. The Price Lists page is displayed.
  4. Click the Price List Items tab.
  5. In the Price List Items section, search for the price list item you want to delete.
  6. Click the ellipsis icon  next to a price list name and click Remove
    • If there are any unsaved changes, the Editing item(s) in Price List Items pop-up is displayed. Click Discard Changes. A pop-up is displayed prompting you to confirm deletion. Click Confirm.
    • If there are no unsaved changes, a pop-up is displayed prompting you to confirm deletion. Click Confirm.

Sorting Price Lists under Associated Product

You can sort the price list by clicking the column names. The price lists are sorted alphabetically in ascending order using the price list name. Every time you click the column name, the sorting switches between ascending and descending order. You can adjust the column width by dragging the columns. Hover near the column boundaries till two-way arrow appears. Click when the arrow appears and drag left or right to adjust the column width.

Items per page

At the bottom of the page, you can see the total count of price lists available. You can control the number of price lists to be displayed on each page. You can select the number of price lists from a predefined list. You cannot configure this list. By default, you see 20 records on each page.

By default, you can sort 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 price lists per page using the Rows per page drop-down. This feature works in association with the search and filter functions to display search records per page. You can use the < and > buttons to move to the next or the previous pages. You can also jump to a certain page using the page search component.