In these release notes, you can find packages, requirements, features, enhancements, fixed issues, and known issues for the CPQ 202406.2.0 release. For documentation updates, see What's New in CPQ Documentation.

This documentation may describe optional features for which you have not purchased a license; therefore your solution or implementation may differ from what is described here. Contact your customer success manager (CSM) or account executive (AE) to discuss your specific features and licensing.

To access the learning path, including overviews and demonstrations of this release’s updated features and enhancements, visit the Conga Learning Center.

System Requirements and Supported Platforms

For requirements and recommendations to consider before installing the Conga product suite, see the System Requirements and Supported Platforms Matrix.

New Features and Enhancements

The following features are new to Conga CPQ in this release.

Field Set Configuration APIs

The Field Set Configuration APIs are introduced to create, retrieve, update, and delete the fieldset configuration. You can specify the configuration types (ProductDetail, ProductSearch, CategorySearch) to perform these operations.

  • Get Configuration API: GET /api/revenue-admin/v1/fieldset-configuration
  • Get Specific Configuration API: GET /api/revenue-admin/v1/fieldset-configuration/{configType}/name
  • Create Configuration API: POST /api/revenue-admin/v1/fieldset-configuration/{configType}/name/{configName}
  • Update Configuration API: PUT /api/revenue-admin/v1/fieldset-configuration/{configType}/name/{configName}
  • Delete Configuration API: DELETE /api/revenue-admin/v1/fieldset-configuration/{configType}/name/{configName}

For more information, see the Developer Hub.

Match in Assets - Condition Criteria

Administrators can create constraint rules that match existing assets, enabling up-sell, cross-sell, and renewal logic. This includes actions like Message, Hide, Disable, Check on Finalize, and Prompt based on asset conditions.

For more information, see Config Features.

Enhanced Navigation on the Catalog Page

The catalog page allows you to navigate to the required page using the page navigation. Previously, the catalogue page displayed an internal server error when navigating to the last page while adding the products.

Multi-Select Picklist for "Match In" in Constraint Rule Creation

The "Match In" field in the Constraint Rule creation modal window is now a multi-select picklist. You can select both "Match In Options" and "Match In Primary Lines" where the condition match must happen. This will reduce one step for configuration as you can select both line items while creating the Constraint Rule and enable you to define conditions that apply to both option and primary line items in the cart. This is particularly useful in scenarios where conditional criteria need to validate multiple charge types or specific product configurations.

For more information, see Creating a Constraint Rule.

Deep Clone Quote

You can deep-clone the existing quote using the Clone Quote button on the Quote detail page. Cloning a quote copies all the information from the existing quote, including line items and proposal header information asynchronously. You can deep-clone a quote when you need multiple draft options of the same quote or need to make changes (for example, extend the quote expiry date) to a finalized quote before sending it out to the customer.

To get the clone quote button on the ‘proposal’ details page, you must enable the ‘Clone’ action for the proposal object in the respective permission group.

For more information on the permission groups, see Working with Permission Groups.

Ability to Add Lookup Fields on the Cart UI

As an administrator, you can define the filter criteria for the Line item object on the lookup field settings page, including Lookup Field Name, Lookup Display Columns, Filter Criteria, and Enable Quick View. As a result, sales representatives can search, set, or modify the values in lookup fields for the cart line items on the cart page.

For more information about creating a lookup field, see Creating a Lookup Field.

Support for Asset Renew Operation with Flat Price for Standalone Assets

Assets renew operation with a flat price for standalone assets is supported on Conga Platform from Order API for the assets that are created on the platform. Products can be purchased at Flat price without any dependency on quantity.

For more information, see Developer Hub.

Support for Asset Change Operation with Flat Price for Standalone Asset

Asset change operation with a flat price for a standalone asset is supported on Conga Platform from Order API for the assets that are created on the platform. Products can be purchased at Flat price without any dependency on quantity. You can perform any change on the existing asset which is flat priced.

For more information, see Developer Hub.

Support for Asset Change Operation on Conga Platform from Order API

Asset change operation for bundle option with Delta price override is supported on Conga Platform from Order API.

For more information, see Developer Hub.

Configuration Rules Error and Warning for Bundles

Errors and warnings now appear for options, sub-bundles, option groups, and attributes in bundles loaded on demand by setting the enableLazyLoad flag to true in config system properties.

PATCH /api/revenue-admin/v1/flows/System/settings/ConfigSystemProperties

For more information, see Developer Portal.

Support for Asset Change Operation with Delta Price Adjustment on Conga Platform from Order API

Asset change operation for bundle option with Delta price adjustment is supported on Conga Platform from Order API.

For more information, see Developer Hub.

Waterfall for Rollup Line Items

Administrators can define waterfalls for rollup line items and view the charts. Manual adjustments to custom price points on rollup line items also apply to their option line items. Base price and list price of rollup line items is zero by default.

  • Get price waterfall detail by chart ID: GET api/cart/v1/carts/{cartId}/items/{lineitemId}/waterfallchart/{chartId}
  • Manual adjustments: PATCH api/cart/v1/carts/{cartId}/adjustments

For more information, see Developer Portal.

Custom Context in Price Dimension

Custom context is used to define a field as the Price dimension on another object by traversing from the line item using available lookup fields. Upon selecting the Custom context, the Business Object field will be read-only and set to Line Item. In the Field section, input the dot notation of lookup fields starting from the line item to the respective field.

For more information, see Creating a Price Dimension.

Cart Locking from Concurrent Access

As an administrator, you can enable cart locking to prevent others from editing the quote you are currently working on and help prevent data loss while a sales representative is working on a configuration. When you enable cart lock, others can only see the cart in read-only mode. The cat is unlocked only when you perform save, finalize, abandon, or close the cart actions. Once, you perform any of these actions, then CPQ refreshes the permissions and allows read-only users to edit the cart as required.

Associated Category Sequence in Pricelist for Catalog Page

You can now set and modify the sequence of categories that are associated with a price list on the Admin UI. The sequence is saved in the order that you add the categories and the same is reflected on the Catalog page in Runtime UI. When you reorder the sequence or delete the categories, the changes are saved on both pages.

For more information, see Associating Categories with a Price List.

Charge Type and Price are visible under Price List Item Detail

You can see charge type and price details under Price List Item (PLI) on the product details page. Clicking on charge types or price list names takes you to the respective PLI or PL details in a new tab. The header redirects to the association page in the same tab.

For more information, see Associating Price Lists with a Product.

Associating Attribute Groups with Option Groups

Administrators can associate the attribute groups directly with option groups. This enhancement ensures attributes and their values are accessible for both shared and standalone option groups, including root level and sub-option groups. They are available on the config page under the option group name.

User Role Criteria for Waterfall Chart

The user role criteria enable you to define specific restrictions based on user roles for price waterfall charts. This feature supports only the "equal to" operator for setting criteria related to user roles.

For more information, see Creating Price Waterfall Charts.

Enhanced Adjustment Flexibility in Runtime API

Sales representatives can modify adjustment types with amounts while respecting cart-level rules. This enhancement ensures error-free adjustments under admin-defined rules and provides clear visibility into how adjustments affect pricing.

For more information, see Developer Portal.

Support for Asset Change Operation with Asset Pricing Criteria Fields

Asset-based ordering supports "Asset Pricing criteria fields" for dynamic pricing adjustments during change operation. You can change or amend an asset with quantity, pricing, upgrade, or downgrade. During the change, you can switch from PLI pricing to asset pricing, based on constraints defined as criteria fields or line status or ABO action with line status.

You can change any existing assets one at a time or perform the change operation on multiple assets.

For more information, see Developer Hub.

Match in Asset - Recommendations

Administrators can create constraint rules to match assets, enabling targeted up-sell and cross-sell strategies. This enhancement includes setting the "match in asset" flag and defining recommendation rules for displaying products.
For more information, see Config Features.

Publishing Favorites on the Catalog UI

As an administrator, you can enable the publish favorites feature on the catalog page. To achieve this, you must create a custom permission group with the name CongaFavoritePermission, add the FavoriteConfiguration object, set the PUBLISH action permission, and associate the PermissionGroup with the user.

For more information, see Creating Permission Groups and Assigning Object Permission.

Integration of Pricing Custom Settings through API

Enable Base Price Rounding and Enable Custom Rounding are now part of the pricing-related custom settings available through the config system properties API.

GET api/revenue-admin/v1/flows/System/settings/ConfigSystemProperties

For more information, see Developer Portal.

Fixed Issues

The following issues are fixed in this release. If any actions are required, they will be listed in this table.

Case NumberConga Internal IDDescription

Bundle default options are duplicated in CloneCart when ChildClone Param is True for standalone option product configurations.


Config messages do not appear on UI after configuring a bundle until an additional item call is made.


Bundle product recommendations with matching options take 6-10 seconds to load.


Latency and timeouts occurred intermittently while loading catalog pages, searching products, and pricing carts.

Known Issues

The following unresolved issues are known to Conga at the time of this release.

Conga Internal IDDescription

When you launch the catalog or cart page on the Conga Platform UI, the deal guidance does not work as intended.


Individual product publishing and publishing of bundle products with large configurations via Config Swagger resulted in an error.

Error: 524: A timeout occurred


When configuring a product, trying to view its details results in the error: "An unknown error has occurred. Please try again later." OR suggested text: The following error is displayed while viewing the details of a product during product configuration.

"An unknown error has occurred. Please try again later."


When you refresh or apply the filter, the products added to the cart are not displayed on the catalog page.


The ExpandedByDefault field must be set to True to auto-expand options under an OptionGroup, leading to the need for data adjustments after synchronization.

DOC ID: CPQRLP202406.2.0RN20240708