Create a field expression to update record fields based on certain predefined criteria and reduce the need for manual updates.

To create a field expression

  1. Go to ADMIN SETUP > Product Administration > Field Expressions.
  2. Click Create New to open a New Field Expression pop-up.
  3. Enter the following details:

    NameEnter the name of the field expression
    Is ActiveTurn this button on to activate the field expression.
    Is ModifiableTurn this button on to enable editing of the field expression.
    Expression Type

    This field is populated by default with the value Field Update.

    Expression Context

    This field is populated by default with the value Record Update. 

    Source Object

    This field is populated by default with the value Line Item.


    Select one of the following values that are displayed in the dropdown:

    • Product: to apply field expression on the product line items.
    • Product Group: to apply field expression on the product group level.
    • Header Level: to apply field expression on fields at header level.

    Based on your selection, you must select a product or product group.

  4. Click Create. A field expression is created and you are redirected to the details page.
  5. Click Expression under Filter Expression, and use the formula builder to create a formula. Click Save.
  6. In Update Object, select one of the following from the drop-down.
    • Product Attribute
    • Line Item
  7. In Update Field, select the field on which you want to apply the field expression.
  8. Click Expression under Value Expression, and use the formula builder to create a formula. Click Save.
  9. Click Save or click Save & Create New.