You can create multiple main categories and associate them based on the nature of the product. A list of associated products is displayed when you select the category on the catalog page.

To create a main category

  1. Go to the Catalog page.
  2. Click Create New to open a new category page. or
    Select the main category type from the dropdown next to the Create New button. 
  3. Enter the following details.
    Field NameDescription
    Category NameEnter the name of the new category
    LabelThe system automatically fills this field based on the name you entered in the category name.
    DescriptionEnter the description for the new category.
    Search Filter FieldsSelect the fields you want to use as search filters on the catalog page. The selected fields are visible under the 'Refine Your Search 'section while adding the products under this category on the catalog page.
    Default Search CategoryTo set the category as default on the catalog page.
    Expand by defaultTo display the sub-categories expanded by default.
    Include in Total ViewTurn on this setting to include the value of the products in this category in total view. 
    Hide All Search FiltersTurn on this setting to hide all search filters.
  4. Click Save

To create a sub-category, see Configuring Sub Categories.