
An Attribute represents a specific characteristic or feature of a product. Attributes can range from physical properties like color and size to technical specifications such as weight and material.

Examples of Attributes

  1. Color: Red, Blue, Green
  2. Size: Small, Medium, Large
  3. Weight: 1kg, 2kg, 5kg


  1. Pricing Determination: Attributes can influence the pricing of products based on specific configurations. For example, a larger size may cost more than a smaller size.
  2. Informational Details: Attributes provide additional information for each line item, helping customers understand product specifications.
  3. Product Configuration: Attributes allow for the customization and filtering of products to meet specific customer requirements.

Attribute Groups

An Attribute Group is a collection of attributes that can be associated with products. Attribute Groups help in organizing attributes into manageable sets, making it easier to assign and maintain them across different products.

Examples of Attribute Groups

  1. Physical Characteristics: Color, Size, Weight
  2. Technical Specifications: Processor Type, RAM, Storage
  3. Material Properties: Fabric Type, Durability, Waterproofing


  1. Organization: Attribute Groups simplify the management of multiple attributes by grouping related attributes together.
  2. Association: Groups can be associated with products to streamline the attribute assignment process.
  3. Management: The Attributes administration page enables users to create, delete, and manage Attribute Groups. Users can also control the sequence in which these groups are associated with products.

Use Cases of Attributes and Attribute Groups

  1. Product Customization: Attributes allow for detailed customization of products to match customer preferences.
  2. Efficient Product Management: Attribute Groups facilitate the streamlined assignment and management of attributes across a product catalog.
  3. Pricing Strategy: Attributes can be used to implement dynamic pricing models based on product specifications.

Navigating the Attributes Page

When you launch the Attributes page on the UI, all the existing attributes are listed on this page along with their details. There are various functionalities available for you to manage the attributes.

Managing Views

You can manage column width, control which columns are displayed in the grid, freeze/pin a column range, or rearrange the column order. You can also filter the view of records in the grid by performing a keyword search, filtering the list by column value, or applying one or more advanced filters and filter logic. For more information, see Managing the View Settings and Filtering the Records.

Actions available on this page

  • Click Create New to create a new attribute or attribute group.
  • Click the ellipsis icon () next to the product name to delete the attribute.
  • Click the attribute name link to open the Attribute Details page.
  • Export the selected attributes. For more information, see Exporting Records.

The following section provides information on configuring attributes and attribute groups.