Products are the primary component of your CPQ system. Using CPQ, you can create individual products and product bundles. Once you've created products, you can associate attributes and options with them. Options are the additional accessory products to sell together with a product. Attributes allow you to associate product specifications such as color, size, or model.

You must associate the products with Categories to classify products into logical groups. You can define hierarchies in a category to further divide the products into smaller groups. On the Catalog page, CPQ displays the categories and hierarchy containing the products you associate with them.

Using feature sets, you can also configure CPQ to allow your users to compare the features of multiple products. By implementing feature sets, you allow your users to compare products and choose the product that best meets their requirements.

A Product in CPQ terminology is a product or service that can be set up to be sold on its own as a standalone product or option of other products. Products or services are set up as standalone, bundles, or options of other products. You can associate a product with a category or a price list. If you created an option product, you must first associate it with an option group.

  • Standalone - This is an individual product that can be sold on its own.
  • Bundle - Any product that has other products (options or bundles) associated with it.
  • Options - This is a product that can be sold with a bundle product only through an option group.

Navigating the Product Administation Page

When you launch the CPQ Revenue Admin UI, the Products page is displayed. All the existing products are listed on this page along with their details. There are various functionalities available for you to manage the products.

Managing Views

You can manage column width, control which columns are displayed in the grid, freeze/pin a column range, or rearrange the column order. You can also filter the view of records in the grid by performing a keyword search, filtering the list by column value, or applying one or more advanced filters and filter logic. For more information, see Managing the View Settings and Filtering the Records.

Actions available on this page

  • Click Add New to create a new product.
  • Click the ellipsis icon () next to the product name to edit, clone or Bundle Map an existing product.
  • Click the product name link to open the Product Details page.
  • Use the Activate switch to activate or deactivate a product.
  • Export the selected products. For more information, see Exporting Records.

This section provides information on managing products.