The shopping cart is designed to provide better usability and accessibility to the sales representatives.


Displaying cart level actions in the top-right corner: A system displays the primary cart level actions on the top-right corner of the page with Finalize action as a default. The other user actions such as RepriceApply PromotionAnalyze QuoteSubmit for Approvals, and so on are made available based on settings defined in the cart settings page. You can customize the primary and secondary buttons.  For more information, see Managing Views.

2A list of products you selected on the catalog page.

A Quick view of the Grand Total amount on the top-left corner. Also, Show Totals (One time & Monthly) and Grand Total are displayed on the page header. The down arrow next to Grand Total shows you the detailed calculations at the line item level.


Mass actions, such as Delete ProductSave as FavoriteMass Update, and Product Collaboration at the line item level are available as icons and picklist values. The Copy action is available at the cart header level only, which you can use to copy a single line item or perform mass updates. Any change using Mass Update performs the calculation on the client side for faster execution.