The Home page view depends on user settings.

The CPQ Home page is the starting point of various functions in the application. The CPQ Home page enables you to access quoting information in a variety of ways; Searching, Reporting, Dashboards, and Views. When you launch the CPQ user interface, the Proposals page is displayed. 

1A list of Proposals. If you are a new user and a in accessing CPQ UI on the Conga platform first time, you see a blank page. 
2Basic and Advanced Search to retrieve required proposals. You can further search within the results for specific objects using the Advanced Search feature. A search bar is available at the top of every window within the application. Based on the keyword you enter, the system searches against all key elements and retrieves quotes or proposals.
3Pagination: To set the number of rows to display on the page. 
4Add New: To create a new proposal

The following functionalities are available for you to manage the proposals.

Proposal Search

You can narrow down the proposal list using the search feature. You can either define search criteria to search for a range of products or use the proposal search option.

Basic Search

In basic search, you can search for a proposal using keywords. For example, you can search using the name of the product. 

  1. In the Search this list field, enter a keyword related to your proposal details such as proposal name.
  2. Click the search icon () or press Enter. CPQ returns all proposals that contain that keyword in the proposal details.

Advanced Search

In advanced search, you can search for a proposal using a search query.

  1. Click the Advanced Search () icon. The Advanced Search pop-up is displayed.
  2. Click Add Criteria and Enter the following details: 
    1. Field: All proposal fields are available in the drop-down list such as Text, Checkbox, Date, Date/Time, Number, Percent, Picklist, Multi-Select Picklist, and Currency.
    2. Operator: Operators that are available for selection help create the filter expression. Operators are displayed based on the field types. For example, a picklist value will display equal to and not equal operators, and a text field will display equal to, not equal to, starts with, contains, and does not contain operators. If it is a multi-value picklist, the application displays include and does not include operators.
    3. Value: Enter a value.
  3. Click Apply to enable the search filter. CPQ returns all proposals that match the criteria.

Sorting Proposals List

You can sort the proposals list by clicking the column names. The products are sorted alphabetically by proposal name in ascending order. Every time you click the column name, the sorting switches between ascending and descending order. You can adjust the column width by dragging the columns. Hover near the column boundaries till a two-way arrow appears. Click when the arrow appears and drag left or right to adjust the column width.

Actions available on this page

  • Click Add New to create a new proposal.
  • Click the ellipsis icon  next to the proposal name to edit, delete, change owner, and configure an existing proposal.
  • Click the proposal name link to open the proposal Details page.
  • Exporting proposal records. 
    1. Click the checkbox beside the "Feature Name" column. You can select one record, multiple records, or all the records in the list.
    2. To export selected records, click the export icon ().
    3. Choose the desired file format (CSV or Excel) for the export.
    4. Enter the file name as you require and click Save.
  • Deleting proposals.

Items per page

At the bottom of the page, you can see the total count of proposals available. You can control the number of proposals to be displayed on each page. You can select the number of proposals from a predefined list. You cannot configure this list. By default, you see 20 records on each page.

By default, you can sort 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100 proposals per page using the Rows per page drop-down. This feature works in association with the search and filter functions to display search records per page. You can use the < and > buttons to move to the next or the previous pages. You can also jump to a certain page using the page search component.