The Home page view depends on user settings.

The CPQ Home page is the starting point of various functions in the application.

The home page consists of the following components:

SearchThis feature enables you to quickly search for various items like Quote/Proposals, Templates, Accounts, Contacts, and more. You can further search within the results for specific objects using the Advanced Search feature. A search bar is available at the top of every window within the application, backed by an easy-to-use search engine. Based on the keyword you enter, the system searches against all key elements and retrieves quotes or proposals.
Create NewThis button is located on the left-hand side of the homepage. This button provides an easy way to initiate new items like Quote/Proposal, Opportunity, Template, Account, Report, and more.
TabsThese are individual tabs that provide you a broader view of specific items like Proposals, Templates, Reports, and more.
DashboardDashboards give you a real-time snapshot of corporate metrics and key performance indicators. A dashboard is a group of different charts (or components) that graphically display your custom report data.
My TasksA quick summary of tasks that have been assigned to you.
Items To ApproveA quick summary of items that have been assigned to you for approval.
SetupThis link is located on the top right-hand corner of the homepage. The link redirects you to the home page using which you can perform actions, such as view, customize, add, or edit objects and fields.
Salesforce menuThe drop-down menu provides you with the list of Conga modules that you can use for configuring, pricing, and quoting.

The CPQ Home page enables you to access quoting information in a variety of ways; Searching, Reporting, Dashboards, and Views.