You can create an Attribute Value Matrices (AVM) as per your business requirements.

To create AVM

  1. Go to ADMIN SETUP > Product Administration > Attributes Rules. The Attributes Rules page is displayed.
  2. Click the Create New drop-down button and click Attribute Value Matrix(AVM). The New Product Attribute Matrix page is displayed.
  3. Enter the following details:


    Rule Name

    Enter a name of the Attribute Value Matrix.

    Is Active

    Turn this setting on to make the matrix active.


    Enter a description of the Attribute Value Matrix.

    Effective Date

    Select the date from which the Attribute Value Matrix is in effect.

    Expiration Date

    Select the date until which the attribute value matrix is valid.
    Application Type

    Select the application type. Supported values are

    • Default: Selecting this lets you choose the picklist values which you have configured as default values in the Matrix View. The rest of the values are visible in the drop-down list, but you cannot select any of them on the Cart.
    • Constraint: Selecting this value lets you choose only those picklist values which you have configured in the Matrix View. All the other values are disabled in the drop-down list on the cart. This also works with the Multi-select picklist.
    • Force Set: Selecting this value lets you automatically set the picklist values which you have configured in the Matrix View (considering the last user selection). As soon as you change the attribute value for one attribute, the system sets the attribute values for other attributes immediately. If there is a Matrix entry with null values and Treat Null As Wildcard is set to false, the system resets the attribute values to null.

    Treat Null as Wildcard

    This field works in conjunction with Application Type. If you select this check box, all the picklist values (default or constrained) configured in the Matrix View are available for selection on the Cart. Deselecting this check box disables all the picklist values on the Cart.
  4. Click Save. An AVM is created.
  5. On the Details tab, make changes if required.
  6. Click the Scope & Matrix tab.
  7. Enter the following details:




    It is a multi-select field. Click in the text box to view the available products and select the appropriate ones. You can also enter a keyword and search for a product. The products are filtered on the basis of product families and product groups that you select.

    If you create an AVM from a product, the product is populated on this field based on the parent product.

    Product FamilyIt is a multi-select field. Click in the text box to view the available product families and select the appropriate ones. You can also enter a keyword and search for a Product Family.
    Product GroupIt is a multi-select field. Click in the text box to view the available product groups and select the appropriate ones. You can also enter a keyword and search for a product group. The product groups are filtered on the basis of product families that you select.
    Account LocationIt is a multi-select field. Click in the text box to view the available account locations and select the appropriate ones. You can also enter a keyword and search for a location. The locations are filtered on the basis of product families, product groups, and products that you select.



    This field is used to define the attributes to be used with the matrices. 

    If you need to define different matrices for different attributes, make sure the attribute column is added. If you would like to add another attribute, Click the (+) icon and select the value from the picklist and click the Update Matrix button.


    Column Name

    As per the passed Attribute values, the Matrix Table should be created. One or more than one matrices can be provided in the Matrix by clicking on Add button and you can delete a particular row by clicking the delete icon () icon.

    In the Matrix, enter the relevant values.

  8. Click Save.

Editing an Attribute Value Matrix

Deleting an Attribute Value Matrices