You can override the global settings (settings defined at system level) at a flow level so that you can define a specific CPQ behavior at the flow level.

  1. Go to ADMIN SETUP > Application Settings > Flow Settings.
  2. Search for the flow in which you want to define override settings.
  3. Click the flow name link. The flow details page is displayed.
  4. Enter the following details for override settings:

Hide asset actions

Enter comma-separated values of Increment, Amend, Renew, and Cancel actions. Listed actions will be hidden from the users. You can configure asset actions at each asset line item.

Service line split criteria

Enter comma-separated values of asset line item which define the split criteria for asset-related line items.

This setting only supports API names of the fields created on the Related Line Item object only. These fields can be formula fields and can fetch their values from asset line item and product through formula expressions.

CSS override

Enter the name of the static resource to override CSS in the catalog, attributes, options, and cart pages.

Listed products column 2

Enter the API name of the product field to be displayed in the listed options section.

Listed products column 3

Enter the API name of the product field to be displayed in the listed options section.

Expand bundled.

Turn this setting on to expand all attributes and options of a bundle product in the cart.

Items per page

Enter the number of browsed or searched products to show on the product selection page.

Valid values are: 5, 10, 15, 20, & 25

Selected products per page

Enter the number of selected products that you want to display on the configuration pages. 

Valid values are 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25.

Option items per page

Enter the number of displayed option products to show in the cart page. 

Valid values are 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25.

Catalog products per page

Enter the number of catalog products that you want to display on the Catalog page. 

Valid values are: 10, 20, 50, and 100.