The end user or a renewals manager can view and modify products that the organization owns and should be able to filter the assets to renew orders. Display and modify the assets that belong to a company based on the following criteria:

  • All assets with recurring, usage, and one-time charge types for which renewal date is approaching.
  • All licenses that expire within 30, 60, or 90 days.
  • Expired licenses.
  • All services that expire in 30 days.
  • All assets that are in the End of Life or End of Sale state by the vendor.
  • All services that are no longer active or are cancelled should be displayed.
  • All software licenses setup for a site.
  • All products under the CPQ product category.

The assets should be filtered and displayed based on asset status, price type, and subscription expiration.

The displayed results of the asset list the product name, ID, asset name, asset ID, SKU ID, quantity, price type, price UOM, purchase date, start and end date, base price, adjustment, net price, asset status, and renewal term.

To view assets

Retrieve asset results that fulfill the criteria using the Retrieving Asset Line Items API. Using this API, you can fetch the assets. 

To modify assets

  1. Retrieve asset results that fulfill the criteria using the Retrieving Asset Line Items API. Using this API, you can fetch the assets.
  2. You can renew, amend, increment, or terminate the assets using the code snippets for Modifying Assets (Deprecated).

To create assets from orders

Create assets from an order using the Create Asset Line Items for an Order API. Using this API, you can create assets.