For the New UI, customize the following custom setting to display the number of products on the Catalog page for a specific user. The products are divided across the pages using the Pagination concept.

To customize the user preferences

  1. Go to Setup > Develop > Custom Settings and search for Config User Preferences.
  2. Click Manage next to Config User Preferences.
  3. For the required user, do any of the following:
    Click View to view the details and click Edit.
    - Or -
    Click Edit to edit and make changes to the existing user preferences.

  4. In the Catalog Products Per Page field, enter the number of products that you want to display on the Catalog page per page. Valid values are 102050, and 100. This setting is available, especially for the new user interface.
    You may also customize the number of products in the mini cart on the Catalog page by entering the requisite number in the Selected Products Per Page field. Valid values here are 5101520, and 25. This setting is available for both, the enterprise CPQ and the new user interface in CPQ.
  5. Click Save.

When you browse the catalog page as a specific user, you will find the specified number of products on a single page and the rest of the products are divided into multiple pages using Pagination.

If you want to set up the above settings at an org level, click New on the Config User Preferences page.