Quote collaboration feature empowers your sales reps to work together on the same quote. A sales rep starts the configuration process, and assigns configuration request to other sales rep (called collaborator) where he needs help. The sales rep can assign multiple line items (up to 5 line items) to a collaborator. A sales rep can also assign different line items to different collaborators.

The Quote Collaboration feature is useful for a large industrial equipment manufacturer, which has a complex quoting needs. The people who understand the products are located in different factories around the world. When a client requests a quote from a sales rep, the sales rep has to contact different factories and get configuration information. The problem is that the sales rep does not always know who is the right person for the job and does not have all the necessary support and collaboration. This burdens the quoting process by: 

  • Slowing it down. 
  • Making it more complex and expensive.  
  • Making it less accurate. 

In such a scenario, quote collaboration enables the sales rep to collaborate while working on a single quote by assigning configuration tasks to different people and orchestrating that process. Then, the sales rep can merge the collaboration data to generate one final quote and send it to the customer. 

For detailed flow and use case around Quote Collaboration, see About Quote Lifecycle Collaboration.

To enable Quote Collaboration in your org

  1. Add the Collaboration column by navigating to All Tabs > Config Settings > Display Columns settings. Choose the Display Type as Cart Line Item and Flow as ngFlow.
    Apart from the desired flow (e.g. ngFlow), the Collaboration column must be added to the settings for Default flow as well.
  2. Specify the following collaborator fields API names in the Setup > Develop > Custom Settings > Config System Properties > Manage > System Properties > View Cart Custom Fields.
    • Apttus_Config2__CollaborationRequestId__c
    • Apttus_Config2__CollaborationRequestId__r.Apttus_Config2__Status__c
    • Apttus_Config2__CollaborationRequestId__r.Owner.Name
  3. Navigate to CPQ Console > Maintenance Console > Query Field Metadata and click Refresh Field Metadata.
  4. Create Lookup Field Settings for User and Queue assignment. Also, for Queue assignment, ensure that you have listed Product Configuration and Collaboration Request in the Supported Objects list.
  5. Ensure that the Salesforce queue which needs to participate in the collaboration process supports Product Configuration and Collaboration Request objects. This is required to assign a collaboration request to the queue.
  • Ensure that you assign appropriate field level permissions for Collaboration Request object and Line Item object.
  • If the collaboration icon is not displayed on the Cart, ensure that Collaboration field's Is Editable property is set to False under Display Column Settings > Cart Line Item.

To define Permissions to use Quote Collaboration Feature

The administrator must define proper access permissions for user profiles to use Quote Collaboration. Otherwise, the user cannot see the collaboration feature on the Cart page. Follow the steps below to define access permissions for the user.

  1. Go to Setup> Administrator Setup> Manage Users> Profiles.
  2. Find the profile for which you want to set permissions and click Edit.
  3. Find Collaboration Request under the section Custom Object Permissions.
  4. Select one or more permission from the list below to define access for the profiles.

    NameImpact on the Cart Page
    ReadA disabled collaboration icon is displayed on the Cart page.
    CreateThe collaboration icon is enabled. The actions fields in the collaboration pop-ups are enabled and the user can assign a line item to a collaborator.
    EditThe Update and Merge actions are enabled on collaboration pop-up and the user can edit a configuration assigned to them.
    DeleteCancel action is enabled on the collaboration pop-up.
    Modify AllThe Read, Delete, and Edit permissions are selected automatically. The Update, Merge, and Cancel actions are enabled on the collaboration pop-up.

    Actions performed on the collaboration request with the Modify All permission have a different impact on the collaboration status as opposed to when the Modify All permission is not selected. If Modify All is selected, when the user abandons the cart, cancels the collaboration request, or deletes the line item, the collaboration record is deleted. Otherwise, the collaboration status changesIf you do not select any permission, the collaboration icon remains disabled on the Cart page. 

    For more information on collaboration status, see About Quote Lifecycle Collaboration.

  5. Click Save.

To enable Chatter on Collaboration Request

A chatter feed is enabled on each collaboration pop up. The feed is in the context of a single collaboration request and it can be accessed through a new tab on the collaboration pop up.

Ensure that you configure the following steps:

  1. Go to Setup > Build > Customize > Chatter > Feed Tracking.
  2. In the Object section, search for Collaboration Request.
  3. In the Fields section, select Enable Feed Tracking.
  4. Click Save.

Ensure that you have Quick actions such as Post, File, Link, and Poll on the Chatter Layout. You can verify these actions from Setup > Build > Chatter > Publisher Layouts.

To define field set settings

You must define Collab Create Fields and Collab Merge Fields in Field Set Settings. For more information, see Configuring Field Set Settings.

To setup the Email Templates for Quote Collaboration

In order to send emails to the Sales rep and Collaborator for different actions involved in Quote Collaboration Lifecycle, you must setup the following email templates in your org.

Template Name


Collaboration Task Assigned

When sales rep assigns the configuration to a collaborator, collaborator receives an email. The content of the email is controlled from Collaboration Task Assigned template.

Collaboration Task Completed

When collaborator submits his configuration, sales rep receives an email. The content of the email is controlled from Collaboration Task Completed template.

Collaboration Task Merged

When Sales rep accepts and merges the configuration submitted by the collaborator, collaborator receives an email. The content of the email is controlled from Collaboration Task Merged template.

Collaboration Task Updated

After assigning a configuration to the collaborator, when sales rep updates such configuration request, the collaborator receives an updated email. The content of the email is controlled from Collaboration Task Updated template.

Collaboration Request CancelledWhen sales rep updates the configuration request owner and re-submits the same configuration to someone else, the previous collaborator receives a cancellation notification email. The content of the email is controlled from Collaboration Request Cancelled template.

To setup the email templates, navigate to Setup > Communication Templates > Email Templates and create separate records for the above-mentioned templates.

Once you have created the above-mentioned templates, you need to create workflow rules for Collaboration Request object from Setup > Build > Create > Workflow & Approvals > Workflow Rules, which uses the appropriate template to send out the email notification.

Workflow Rule NameObjectEvaluation CriteriaRule Criteria
QuoteCollabNotifyOnCreateCollaboration RequestEvaluate the rule when a record is created, and every time it's edited
OR (AND (ISCHANGED(Apttus_Config2__Status__c), ISPICKVAL(Apttus_Config2__Status__c, 'Submitted')),
AND (ISCHANGED(OwnerId), ISPICKVAL(Apttus_Config2__Status__c, 'Submitted')))
QuoteCollabNotifyOnUpdateCollaboration RequestEvaluate the rule when a record is created, and every time it's edited
ISPICKVAL(Apttus_Config2__Status__c, 'Submitted'), ISCHANGED( 
LastModifiedDate ) )
QuoteCollabNotifyOnCompleteCollaboration RequestEvaluate the rule when a record is created, and every time it's edited
AND (ISCHANGED(Apttus_Config2__Status__c), ISPICKVAL(Apttus_Config2__Status__c, 'Completed'))
QuoteCollabNotifyOnAcceptCollaboration RequestEvaluate the rule when a record is created, and every time it's edited
AND (ISCHANGED(Apttus_Config2__Status__c), ISPICKVAL(Apttus_Config2__Status__c, 'Accepted'))
QuoteCollabCancelNotificationOnChangeOfOwnerCollaboration RequestEvaluate the rule when a record is created, and every time it's edited
ISCHANGED( LastModifiedDate ),
ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE( Apttus_Config2__Status__c ), 'Submitted' )
QuoteCollabNotifyOnUpdateAfterCompletionCollaboration RequestEvaluate the rule when a record is created, and every time it's edited
AND( ISCHANGED(Apttus_Config2__Status__c ),
ISPICKVAL(Apttus_Config2__Status__c , "Submitted"),
OR( ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE(Apttus_Config2__Status__c ), "Completed"),
ISPICKVAL(PRIORVALUE(Apttus_Config2__Status__c ), "Accepted")
ISCHANGED( LastModifiedDate )

For the corresponding Workflow Rules, create the appropriate email alert action (email template, and the recipient) from the Workflow Actions section.