The sample below retrieves the ID of the products auto-included to cart by the auto-inclusion type constraint rules. The list of ID list is returned after the execution of this API. The ID list contains the ID of the condition products and the list of the ID of associated action products.
public Map<Id, Set<Id>> getAutoIncludedProductsForCart(String proposalID)
Apttus_Config2__ProductConfiguration__c cart = [SELECT Apttus_Config2__PriceListId__c, Id
FROM Apttus_Config2__ProductConfiguration__c
WHERE Apttus_QPConfig__Proposald__c =: proposalID
List<list<id>> response = Apttus_Config2.ConstraintWebService2. getAutoIncludedProductIdsForCart (cart.Id);
Map<Id, Set<Id>> autoIncludedIdsByTriggeringProductId = new Map<Id, Set<Id>> ();
for (list<id> productIds : response)
for (integer index=1; index <productIds.size() ; index ++)
if (autoIncludedIdsByTriggeringProductId.containsKey(productIds[0]))
autoIncludedIdsByTriggeringProductId.put(productIds[0], new set<Id> {productIds[index]});
return autoIncludedIdsByTriggeringProductId;