You can use the CPQRESTServiceExecuteJob REST API to trigger maintenance or batch jobs. The following are the URI and request details in the maintenance or batch jobs supported by the CPQRESTServiceExecuteJob API with some sample data:

*  Supported URI patterns:
*    URI - /Apttus_Config2/ExecuteJob/ConfigDataStaticResourceUpsertJob
*    Request Body - NA
*    URI - /Apttus_Config2/ExecuteJob/CategoryMaintenanceBatchJob
*    Request Body - {
*                "CategoryIds": [
*                           "01t5400000CiRG3",
*                           "01t5400000CiRG4"
*                         ]
*              }
*    URI - /Apttus_Config2/ExecuteJob/BundleUpdateJob
*    Request Body - {
*                "ProductIds": [
*                           "01t5400000CiRG3",
*                           "01t5400000CiRG4"
*                         ]
*              }
*    URI - /Apttus_Config2/ExecuteJob/UpdatePriceQJob
*    Request Body - {
*                "CartId": "a5654000000cwDK"
*              }
*    URI - /Apttus_Config2/ExecuteJob/RepriceCartJob
*    Request Body - {
*                "CartId": "a5654000000cwDK"
*                "CartTitle": "Philips Demo Quote"
*              }