This use case describes how the Catalog page and the Cart page show different price lists when a product is associated with both parent and child price lists.

  1. Create a price list ABC Group (this is the parent price list).
  2. Create another price list ABC Group North (this is a child price list where Based on Price List = ABC Group).
  3. Create a product ABC P-1000 (this product is associated with both parent and child price lists).
  4. Create a quote with the child price list (ABC Group North).
  5. Navigate to the Catalog page and search for the product ABC P-1000. The price of this product on the Catalog page is derived from the parent price list ABC Group.

Though you have created the quote with the child price list, the Product Configuration has the parent price list. Therefore, CPQ is deriving the price of the product from the parent price list. After the pricing engine is executed, CPQ derives the correct price for the product on the Cart page, which is from the child price list.